Sunday, November 29, 2009


Peeling off the skin like a banana. Screaming in pain. Stop crying!!! Did your victims cry for mercy you never gave them! Why should I stop peeling. I want to reveal to the world your inner layers. How damaged you are. Now you are nothing else, but raw meat in a sink.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

R. rattus

Rats, one of my favorite creatures. They can eat through a 150 lb body in about four days. They just need to be motivated. Starve a couple of hundred for a few weeks and they will mutilate a body beyond recognition. Watching someone getting devoured by rats is a sight to behold. My victim doesn't deserve any sympathy. Humans in general do not. I feel pity for the rats. Human flesh tastes horrible.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

White Tiles

Blood drips on a tile floor. Remnants from a fresh kill. It's easy to pick up a person, invite him back to your motel room for some action that will never occur. The only action is the snuffing out of his pathetic life. This person has no idea that I know him completely. This victim is totally readable. His mind is an open book to me. I know his darkest thoughts. If I didn't pick him up first, he would have raped and killed someone else. Then he would have slept liked a baby lying in their blood. Instead, he will breathe his last breath and understand what type of monster he was to this world. Right before I send him to nothingness.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lady in White

Text Color
This one did not put up a struggle. She laid down and wanted me to take her. She spoke about her awful deeds on this earth and she wanted to stop. She knew what I am and she accepted her fate. Too bad others don't do the same.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Nature is always Watching!!

Mr. Squirrel, he sees my deeds. Unloading the carefully packed bundles of human carcass and burying them in the ground. This one is going to bed for eternity. She did enough damage to the world when she was walking free on this earth. She ruined countless of lives before I stepped in and ended her reign. Yes, sometimes we serial killers exterminate our own kind. I guess we hate the competition!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


One of nature's creatures took a souvenir from my latest victim. It must have been a body part that was severed during our battle. This one fought to the end, unlike some who give up without a struggle. Life is series of skirmishes before the final gasp of existence.


We are all traveling on a train to nowhere!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


STOP....The Violence!!!!

Maybe someday...or in a 100 years. I cannot and will not STOP!! It's in my genes. There are just too many deserving people who should die.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Truth in Graffiti

Humans are the most vile creatures on earth...maybe in the universe. At the moment there are at least 125 serial killers in the U.S. doing their magic and some of them will go on for decades without being caught. Like me, I will never be caught!