Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Other Side

"Now the victim has a voice..."

I am blindfolded and being dragged through the woods. I am able to smell pine trees. Dazed and slightly panicking. Who is doing this to me? And why? Yes, I am not the most upstanding person, but being kidnapped is way over the top. My guess it’s an ex-lover who seeks revenge. This person is not answering my screams. He will not speak to me. Maybe, he was just hired to kidnap me by a jealous former female lover. You know how these women sometimes cannot break off a relationship! However, with me I can break off a relationship like changing my panties each day. This guy is dragging me and the heels of my feet are burning. He sticks something in my mouth and I start gagging. It’s soft material, like cloth and it smells badly. On top of all this my period is in full force! Just going out for some fun and maybe get laid on a red letter day. Some guys love a heavy flow! This jerk-off grabs me from behind hog-ties me. I am thrown in a van and taken to a cabin in the woods.... I would say help me...but i guess I don't deserve it...