Monday, September 6, 2010

Tied & Bound

Tied to a tree before execution.  Mr. Tiddles will have fun with this one.  Suffocated, dragged, and  tied up.   His shorts will be pulled down and objects  will find their way inside him.  He must suffer like the rest.  Why should he get off easy?!  My other victims endured tremendous amount of pain, he should receive the same.   Remember he wasn't innocent!  None of us are!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Covering up my Tracks

Swiftly, Mr. Tiddles covers the body before it's discovered. It seems that my obsession with redheads has no bounds. My bloodlust has reached new heights. I must continue my journey to rid the universe of these humans that deserve to perish. This rationalization might sound convoluted to everyone else, but clearly resonates in my mind. I must continue this odyssey of death and clear the forest of life, these undeserving by one.