Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Glowing Eyes See All!!!

Mr. Tiddles' deeds are seen on Halloween.  This is the easiest day of the year to kill and dispose of a body.  No one questions anything suspicious on this long as Mr. Tiddles is done by 11:59 pm. When the clock strikes Midnight on November 1, it's back to killing in the shadows again...until next Halloween.  

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Screams in the Night

My next victim will be placed inside.  A perfect setting to tease and torture this fortunate creature until the last breath or scream is uttered into the night.  

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Looking into the Soul

Sometimes when a person sees their true self, they cringe and turn away in horror.  No one seems to embrace their true dark side. Well Mr. Tiddles embraces his enthusiastically!!!  My aura glows with anticipation of dispatching more tortured souls into the void.    

The Old World

Mr. Tiddles has been around for centuries.  Killing over and over...  You might think it's difficult to get away with it.  It's a challenge, but someone has to do it.