Saturday, January 29, 2011

21st Century Horsemen of the Apocalypse

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts, And I looked and behold: a pale horse.  And his name, that sat on him, was Death.  And Hell followed with him.
Johnny Cash--"When the man comes around"

There will be No Cities Left...

The four horses of the apocalypse will ride into town. Mr. Tiddles will saddle the pale horse called Death and ride into the sunset driving and whipping the horse. 

Come and See...

The Destruction of MAN!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Alone in the World

Desolation and Isolation occurs with most serial killers.  We strive to be ties to anyone.  It's easier that way.  Mr. Tiddles must travel across the globe searching for prey.  You cannot move fast if you're attached to someone.

Serial killers who have family and friends will eventually slip up!  Then it's off to prison, a book is written, and then a movie...How boring and cliché!!!    

It's better to keep on searching on your own.  The victims become your friends..."single-serving friends" and then they are dispatched to the great beyond!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Plague

We are drowning in each other's blood.  The systematic destruction of our souls.  

A great cleansing will occur.  There will be more condemned buildings and more genocide.  The two-legged rats of society will make their proclamations.  It will do no good.  Humans will continue their downfall.  It's inevitable!
Until then...Mr. Tiddles will continue to ride out this Plague of Devastation.  There is more work to be done.   Mr. Tiddles needs to bring you fuckers down!!!

“After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say, ''I want to see the manager.'' - William Burroughs

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Haunting Figure

This spirit has haunted Mr. Tiddles through the centuries.  Mr. Tiddles dispatched her mortal form a very long time ago. Sometimes she appears right before a kill.  She's telling me to come to the other side.  Forget it!!!  There is more work to be done.  I've killed hundreds, but she is the only one that continues to haunt me through the ages.  Her flowing red hair would entice anyone into the afterlife...but alas Mr. Tiddles must continue his work...


Mr. Tiddles sees his prey walking passed a phone booth.  A little bit more and he is all mine.  One quick jump out from the bushes.  Grab the scum and throw him into the phone booth and carve him up like a turkey.  Moments before, I watched him rape and strangle another human.  I watched intently.  Why should I interrupt him...I don't like being interrupted when I am doing my magic (dispatching filthy humans from this world).  He will pay for his transgressions against the innocent.  I will make him taste his own flesh.  I shove a piece of his flesh into his mouth and make him chew.    Yummy isn't it???