Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blood in the Water

Blood is the building block of life for humans and other creatures on Earth.  When bloodletting occurs in a body of water plant life springs to life.  

Mr. Tiddles has been bloodletting in this body of water and the PODs have sprung to life.  These PODs make excellent cover for dumping the bodies of my victims.  These victims have so many holes in them.  The plant life grows right through them.  I guess you don't fuck with Nature!!!

Drowning, stabbing, and hacking are just some of the wonderful techniques Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy utilizes in their quest to rid the Earth of these senseless creatures called Humans.

So be careful when fishing in a body of water, you might be disturbing one of my freshly killed victim's eternal sleep.    

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Heed this warning...

Humans and other fellow serial killers should make note...Mr. Tiddles is watching and waiting to attack with a vengeance. 

So if you continue committing these despicable deeds towards the creatures of Earth and each other...Mr. Tiddles will teach you a FINAL lesson before being dispatched to NOTHINGNESS!!!  You will be justly tortured and relieved of your Mortal Coil.

This is a PROMISE!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Stalking My Next Victim

Awash in Psychedelic Colors: Mr. Tiddles eyes his next victim.  

She might look innocent, but she is NOT!  She just destroyed a whole family with her callous actions.  She boiled a pet guinea pig and left him on the stove to simmer.  She chopped up her lover's wife with a butcher knife, and left her body in the bathtub to be discovered.  Funny...the kids were more upset about their pet's fate than their mother's demise. 

Mr. Tiddles will follow and take her to a watery grave.  She thinks she got away with it.  She believes she has taught her lover a lesson, but she is the one who will be taught a lesson.  You can mess with a lover's wife, but do not touch a family's beloved pet. 

She will beg and plead her case.  Mr. Tiddles will listen to her story.  How her lover would have never left his wife and family for her.  She thought this tragic event would somehow drive her lover back into her arms.

Mr. Tiddles whispered to her...just because you does not mean he would throw his whole life away for you.  At least you can take some solace in the fact your lover is next on my list and he will die a painful death.    

Reflections in the Water

Sometimes you see one's true self in a reflection.  Yes, I can be menacing, sinister, and evil.   However, Mr. Tiddles does not know any other path to follow, but a trail of death and destruction.  I am here to teach humanity a valuable lesson.  

Come with me on my journey.  You bloggers have never seen such pure unadulterated evil.  Shield your eyes if you must, but heed my message.

Humans need and will be eradicated from this Earth.

Humans are destroying the environment and killing off the innocent creatures of this Earth for their own greed and monetary gain. 

Mr. Tiddles has a surprise for them if they think they can go about their lives as usual.

Killing humans is Mr. Tiddles' business and business is GOOD!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Radioactive Cows under a Bloody Red Sky

Radioactive Cows under a bloody red sky.  This must be a new strain of Mad Cow Disease.  What will these humans think of next?  

Humans are destroying the Earth's environment faster than thought possible.  

These cows did not sign up for this fate.  Humans are the ones who will suffer Mr. Tiddles' wrath for this act of savagery towards the creatures of Earth.

BEWARE HUMANS...MR. TIDDLES is not taking any prisoners...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

World on Fire

The car is on fire there is no driver at the wheel.  A dark wind howls the names of the lonely suicides.

The World's governments are corrupt.  We are on so many drugs, numb to it all with the radio playing loud and the curtains shut.  We are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine.  And the machine is bleeding to death. 

The Sun is going down for the final count.   All the billboards are telling lies to the people.

Flags are on top of their poles shredded and blowing in this muggy atmosphere.

It went like this: The buildings toppled in on themselves.  The skyline on fire.  Everything is washed in this beautiful orange haze.

Kiss me before it is too late.  We are walking hand and hand in the valley of death.  We open our wallets and it's filled with blood of the working populace.

Mr. Tiddles will say it once again:

This is truly the last days of this planet...