Saturday, December 22, 2012


It's the day after the mass suicides and the chaos surrounding the expected                          End of the World

Religious Cults are springing up everywhere to usher in the End Times. 

There is a newly discovered cult that worships a fish in the sky.  They are sacrificing humans to the millions of fishes in the sea.    Chop up those bastards and feed them to the fishes. 

Sticky warm blood spilling into the water causing the seas to turn crimson red.    

The End Times is flowing...on schedule...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The End of the World: December 21, 2012

Mass Suicides...

Mass Hysteria...

Mass Hallucinations...

Billions of Humans are awaiting the End of the World.
Friday, December 21 2012
11:11 Greenwich Mean Time / Zulu Time / UTC

EST 6:11 am the World will cease to exist according to the Ancient Mayan Calendar.     

CST 5:11 am the World will cease to exist according to the Ancient Mayan Calendar.     

PST 3:11 am the World will cease to exist according to the Ancient Mayan Calendar. 

“Maybe the End of the World was bound to happen after all.” 

― Julie Wenzel

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Consumerism = Death


Consumerism = Death

It's shopping season...the Zombies are out in full force. 

Mayhem reigns supreme in the shopping malls across Amerika

Blood and Flesh mixing with the durable goods as the holiday lingers on... 

"After the collapse of socialism, capitalism remained without a rival.  This unusual situation unleashed its greedy and - above all - its suicidal power.  The belief is now that everything - and everyone - is fair game."
— Gunter Grass

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Zombie Carolers

The days are getting shorter and the nights longer.

Humans cannot hide from the hordes of zombies even during the holidays. 

A zombie could be a store Santa, an Elf, or even a horde of pesky carolers attacking to the sounds of the songs Joy on Earth or White Christmas.  Well this year it is going to be a BLOODY RED XMAS.  

Blood dripping from the holiday trees...

Blood and Flesh burning with the Yule Log...

Egg Nog the color of BLOOD RED...


“XMAS carolers sing about peace on earth, but they don’t tell us where.”--anonymous

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Killer's Poem


If I am evil, do not judge me as wrong.

If I am insane, do not medicate me and poke inside my brain.

If I could stop killing, I might.

If I were afraid to be caught, I might give myself up.

If I cared for the human race, I would stop dead in my tracks.

If I am damaged, do not try to fix me.

If I get my way, there will be none of you left.

---Mr. Tiddles.