Sunday, August 26, 2012


Is it too late?  Will I be running forever into the night searching for my soul?

They have taken over.  It's their world now.  There are some renegade bands of humans on the outskirts of major cities looting, hunting for supplies, and running from these        flesh-eating fiends. 

It seems the one they call God has turned its back on us.

"Maybe humans are just the pet alligators that God flushed down the toilet."
-- Chuck Palahniuk

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Zombie Mutations

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy come across this giant scorpion looking creature.  It has what appears to be zombie bite marks all over its body.  This creature has grown 10,000 times its normal size. 

The mutant creature infected by the Z1N1 virus attacks Goatboy.  Goatboy picks the creature up over his head and slams the creature to the ground.  The creature is on its back making a ghastly noise.  The creature cannot flip itself over.  It lays there writhing in pain, as          Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy watch with curious fascination... 


More mutant creatures are forming and attacking the living populace.

The Walking Dead are multiplying every minute... 

The Humans have reaped what they sowed.  It's HELL on Earth...

"Tidal waves are gonna swallow your town alive,
Terrorists are gonna poison all our skies.
Bodies are gonna wash up on the beach,
Hell is gonna bring your parents to their knees."
       --Armor for Sleep

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse: Chemical Fallout

Leaked Infomation from WetNanna's files...

The Government is bombing certain areas with deadly chemicals to quell the zombie uprising caused by their Z1N1 virus. 

Sometimes, the cure can be worse than the disease. Uninfected humans are dying...not the zombies.


These chemicals infiltrate the lungs and burn every cell of the Respiratory system.  Severe alveolar damage occurs with-in minutes and it usually leads to death.    

Innocent bystanders are dying from the deeds of their government.


Some survivors need to employ the use of gasmasks in order to stay alive. 

“There are no innocent bystanders ... what are they doing there in the first place?”
William S. Burroughs

Friday, August 10, 2012

Zombie Vermin (RATTUS)

Information released from Wetnanna's files...

It seems the Z1N1 virus has jumped species and wrecking havoc in the warm-blooded rodent world.

A human zombie bit a rodent and in turn this rodent attacked other rodents and the virus just spread...

The Z1N1 virus has now infected other warm-blooded mammals.  

Humans deserve this fate...but not the animals!!!

Even the zombified humans are now are destroying the poor animal population. 

"Fate is not an eagle, it creeps like a rat."

~ Elizabeth Bowen

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Zombies Breaking Through

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are under attack by a horde of flesh eating fiends in an undisclosed Midwest town.  The zombies are busting through the walls.  Goatboy is grabbing them and ripping them to shreds. 

Mr. Tiddles' plan is to escape this Midwest town and search other nearby areas to see if the virus has spread.   

Z1N1 virus has spread rapidly through the urban centers and rural areas like WILDFIRE.

Scores and Scores of the Dead have risen and are attacking the living and in turn, the living are turning into the same flesh-eating fiends. 

More information will be leaked in the near future...

"Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them.  It gets up and kills!  The people it kills get up and kill!"                                    --DAWN of the DEAD (1978)