Saturday, September 29, 2012


Leaked information from WetNanna--

The bodies are turning blue just before reanimation.  The deepest and endless blue color anyone has ever seen.  Nature never made colors like took a government made virus to make this enchanting color.

"In endless blue
Reflections look so good
You're never certain of anything
Unless you go in."
--The Horrors

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rouge Government Experiments

Contents of this blog entry Leaked from the files of Rogue Agent Codename: WETNANNA

Another Dead Government Thug attacked and killed by zombies.  Government agents are trained to swallow cyanide and kill themselves before they turn into the flesh-eating fiends of the world.

These government thugs are trained to maintain order during global situations such as the current Zombie Apocalypse.  

A Dead Government Thug stripped naked and placed on table to be dissected.    



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began collecting EXPIRED (dead) agents and is currently experimenting on them. 



CDC scientists are testing to see how fast the Z1N1 virus enters the blood stream through a zombie bite and turns the host into a snarling fiend.  Sometimes, the mandated swallowed cyanide pill does not have a chance to take effect and the agent turns into one of them.



The Z1N1 virus was a form of biological warfare that was created for the enemies of the NEW WORLD ORDER.  However, the virus was released prematurely and there is       No Turning Back for the inhabitants of Planet EARTH.




CDC scientists must now conduct experiments in hiding or in secret lairs.  This rouge government agency is releasing false statements to the Media and General Public.   

Zombie Apocalypse: CDC Denies Existence Of Zombies Despite Numerous Cannibal Incidents throughout AMERIKA.



More information will be leaked in the near future...






"And they will tell you unequivocally that if we have a chemical or biological attack or a nuclear attack anywhere in this country, they are unprepared to deal with it today, and that is of high urgency."  --Warren Rudman

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mr. Tiddles' Bloodlust

A Zombie Apocalypse is the perfect cover for       Mr. Tiddles to continue his Reign of Terror. 

Mr. Tiddles breaks into a seedy motel room from a back sliding door and finds a couple on a bed fucking a zombie.  A Zombie tied to the bed with a huge ball gag in his mouth.  These two sick fuckers are sexually torturing the creature.  The female has a zombie dick shoved up her pussy.  She is riding it and screaming bloody murder as her male partner films this carnage.

Mr. Tiddles runs into the room, raises his machete above his head, and lets out a visceral growl.  The guy filming pans the video camera towards the haunting figure named Mr. Tiddles just before the machete comes down and the embeds itself deep in his skull. The video camera drops to the floor and the guy just crumbles to the ground.  The girl fucking the zombie looks over and screams at the sight of her boyfriend lying there with blood splurging out of his head.            Muffin Milk (liquid brain matter) is also spraying all over her face.  Just as the zombie's one hand breaks free and it grabs the girl by her head.  He pushes her down to his snarling mouth and begins devouring her face like a thanksgiving turkey.  Her screams are music to Mr. Tiddles' ears.   

The humans deserve everything they are about to get. 

Mr. Tiddles leaves the zombie tied up and walks out of the motel room in some sort of trance.  More killing needs to occur, Mr. Tiddles' bloodlust cannot be quenched. 

A serial killer's job is never done!!!

Bloodlust – the disease that makes us the monsters we are known to be; it is what wipes away the last of our humanity.”
Daniele Lanzarotta, Bloodlust