Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Killing Fields

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are walking through a field at dusk.  Their victim dragged behind them. 

Looking for a final resting place to dump the body as they continue to walk in silence.    

Blood and tears flowed freely from this particular victim. 

Stop crying and embrace Death shouted Tiddles as Goatboy plunged a pitchfork repeatedly into the victim's torso. 

These creatures will continue to kill and butcher they way through the heartland...

"You Can't Stop What's Coming..." - No Country for Old Men  

Friday, May 10, 2013

Human Extinction

These beasts once roamed and ruled the Earth.

The humans will follow in their footsteps... 


Global Warming

Climate Change

Increased Greenhouse Gas House Emissions

Natural Resources Diminution

Melting of the Polar Icecaps

Ozone Layer Depletion

Mass Extinction for the humans is a foregone conclusion...

"We will become the way of the Dinosaurs...."

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Taken from WetNanna Files...

This poor bastard attacked by the government's new biochemical warfare.  The organism attacks the host's brain and eats away at its cerebral cortex leaving a poison imbedded inside the brain.  The body of the host turns into "one twitchy fucker." 

This specimen beheaded in order to learn more... 

If left untreated...the host's whole head and insides turn to mush...

"How is it that you keep mutating and can still be the same virus?”
Chuck Palahniuk