Saturday, August 31, 2013


The World Economy is failing.

Many countries' populace are fighting with their government.

RIOTS in the streets...

SUICIDES on the rise...

The extremely rich are the only ones getting richer.

The Poor and Middle Class are becoming poorer.

Families are sleeping in their cars...

No job, no home, no peace, no rest, NO REST!

All anyone can see is          Death and Destruction

Rise up and Fight these Oppressors.

“One must be cunning and wicked in this world.”
― Leo Tolstoy

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Procyon Lotor Plague

Mr. Tiddles unleashes his newest weapon against humanity. 

The Raccoon Plague is upon us. 

Mr. Tiddles' minions are roaming the landscape attacking the evil humans. 

Human Encroachment of their Habitat... 

Now they will seek their just revenge. 

Chew and claw these filthy humans to Death.  Do not allow one of them to survive.

"I cut my teeth as the black raccoon--
For implements of battle."
--Countee Cullen

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cicada Projekt

Leaked from the Wetnanna secret underground files:

A Secret Government Projekt...

Billions of Cicadas are emerging from the ground, attacking the living, and playing their EVIL song.

These Renegade Cicadas produce sounds up to 120 dB and it is the loudest of all insect-produced sounds.  This is notable because the song is loud enough to cause permanent hearing loss in humans should they hear the Cicada Song.

Blood pouring out of their ears until they go completely go DEAF...  

These are genetically mutated insects created by the government to battle their own populace.



Sing, Fly, Kill— Here Come The Cicadas!