Monday, December 30, 2013

Holiday Beatings

Many Humans are beaten and murdered over the holidays.

During the holiday rush, tempers flare and humans beat on each other for a sale of something they do not need.

This holiday its survival of the fittest.

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are lurking in the shadows watching this Holiday Spectacle.  

"Go shopping on Black Friday, they said.  You will never come out alive, they said."  --Unknown 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Trigger Happy Culture

Mass Executions in parking lots across Amerika...

Gun Violence and Knifings

Just in time for the holidays...

When will humans comprehend it is in their DNA to kill one another without hesitation.

"The world is run by clowns with trigger-happy hands.  But the world is filled with people that we don't understand.  So we are living in a culture made of death and fear.  Doesn't seem the human race will make it through the year."  ~Placebo

Sunday, December 1, 2013

the city is going up in flames

Watch it Burn...

Human Skin bubbling from the extreme heat of the fire.

When will society learn that Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are not some bunch of amateurs.

The Flames are dancing and hissing in the night wind.  These Flames are calling all the evil people's names.

No one realizes once Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy hear your name; then all your transgressions revealed.   

One by One every life will be touched by pain and death. 

"I'll just say what I got to say.  I am here to destroy this fucked up system.  I will do it.  That is why I got the job.  I said let it be me; I said use my hands.  I will use our strength.  Let's fuckin' burn it to the ground!"  

Anton Newcombe