Friday, October 31, 2014



"Death has come to your town tonight..."   Dr. Sam Loomis

Friday, August 29, 2014

Zombies at the Door

The outside world is no longer the same...

These Marauding Creatures have taken over...

Amerika Government's man-made virus has infected 85% of the populace

They are knocking at the remaining survivors' door...  

Do we let them in and end our             Misery or Fight?!?!

"Be Thankful for Everything
For Soon There will be Nothing...

Our days are numbered." ~ 28 days Later

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Birth of Amerika's Tyranny

July 4, 1776 was the beginning...

Rigged Elections

Surveillance of telephone calls and email

Use of Biological and Chemical Weapons

Waging War throughout the World in the name of Democracy

Creation of man-made viruses to control the populace

Establishment of a Police state

These are just some of the tactics of Amerika

"A Government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government strong enough to take everything you have."

 - Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Murders at the Red Apple Rest Stop (KZL-303)

A man is traveling down a deserted highway with his lady...

They come upon a weird REST STOP that is not on any map or found via GPS.  They are tired, hungry, and have to relieve themselves badly.  Therefore, they stop. 
It cannot be bad as it looks on the outside.  However, it is much worse...

This couple's relationship has reached a DEAD END.  This road trip was a last ditch effort to salvage it.  Now they are LOST. There is no way out of this MESS.

They step out of the vehicle and both are transported into an alternative universe filled with torture and unimaginable pain. The two of them are not alone...

Two Dark Figures  are lurking in the shadows...

The couple separate and slowly enter their respective restroom.

The redheaded lady is sitting on her porcelain throne trying to think of how she is going to tell her man that she no longer loves him or even loved him at all.  She has been having multiple affairs throughout their fourteen years together. She is not capable of having any real or true relationship.  She has used and destroyed everyone in her life and is under the belief it is everyone else's fault that she has not become rich and famous.  

The man is sitting on his respective porcelain throne believing that he is cold and unloving human being and does not deserve someone like her in his life.  She has torn down his self-esteem and made him believe he is worthless and no one will ever truly love him. 

The Two Dark Figures  enter the ladies' room...

They are the Angels of Death (Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy) and they are there to wield their perverse justice upon this unsuspecting female.  Both of them burst into the occupied bathroom stall.  Goatboy lifts her off the toilet seat and smashes her head against the back wall.  A bloodstain forms on the tiles.  She screams in horror and pain.

Mr. Tiddles shoves her head into the toilet fourteen times...once for each wasted year...

Each time her head goes underwater she swallows more and more feces and urine.  She is choking on her own excrements.          
Dirty Water fills her lungs until her body goes limp.  Goatboy shoves half her torso into the toilet. 

Both of them leave her there to rot...Something for the rats to feast on... 

They move on to their next victim sitting on his porcelain throne.  They slowly walk into the men's room...

They come upon a broken man sitting there.  He does not put up a fight and accepts his fate.  These two Death givers seize him and drag him across the filthy putrid floor of the restroom by his feet. They stop dragging him when they reach a cracked and broken sink.  Goatboy picks the guy up in a bear hug and smashes his face over and over again into the sink's mirror.  Blood splurging everywhere.  Each time the guy's face hits the mirror, he sees the reflection of his lady carrying on multiple affairs without a care in the world.  She played him for a fool all those fourteen years.   

He is BLIND no longer...and for the first time he sees and realizes she was never a good person.  

These Angels of Death are doing him a favor and is putting him out of his misery... 

His body goes limp and falls to the floor...the Two Dark Figures walk out and disappear into the fog of night.  Rats now feast on his rotting corpse.        

Some Rest Stops hold unimaginable secrets forever...

David Bowie: [singing] Funny how secrets travel...

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time...

There was this young girl who came across two figures (Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy) deep in the woods. They lured her to a cabin. She swallowed the potion given to her to drink.  She drank it to the last drop, such as a good girl should.  It drove her mad.  There was no coming back from this fate. She did not listen to her friends and went searching for adventure in the deep dark menacing woods. Adventure found her.  She now sleeps for all time.

"Once we have accepted the story we cannot escape the story's fate."

-P.L. Travers 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Wind Turbine Syndrome: Killing Sprees

Taken from the WetNanna Files:

Amerika Government Leak:

Wind Turbine Syndrome: A manifold malady triggered by acoustic pulses and other unfortunate side effects of large wind turbines.  

There is disturbed sleep, headaches, tinnitus, and sense of quivering or vibration, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, nausea, difficulty with concentration, memory loss, irritability...      
Homicidal Rage.

Annihilation Experiment:

Operating at frequencies below 20 KHz, the wind turbine requires a 1-2 meter dish to project a so-called “acoustic bullet.”  The device is attractive because the power level is adjustable.  At low power, the system would cause physical discomfort, while increasing the power could induce nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains.  The highest levels can cause a person’s bones to resonate.  Voices can be heard to kill your fellow human being.    

Humans attacking other humans in a bloodthirsty rage when the wind turbines are operational, there are voices being implanted into their minds urging the individual to kill other humans.  This phenomenon only affects weak-minded individuals who are susceptible to power of suggestion.  This is part of the government's  Annihilation Experiment conducted on the populace.

~Chuck Palahniuk

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Children of the Millennium

Possessed by smart phones, tablets, technology...

Searching for the White Rabbit of Truth.

Today's Youth are zombies...Programmed to destroy everyone and anything in their path.

"Go ask Alice..." - Lewis Carroll

Friday, February 14, 2014


Mr. Tiddles is patrolling the back roads of Centralia looking for signs of death and destruction.

Mr. Tiddles cannot and will not rest until humans receive their "just desserts."








Painful Deaths 

Are the Norm in this town...

"There'll be no rest for the wicked
There's no song for the choir
There's no hope for the weary..."
 ~Lykke Li

Friday, January 31, 2014

Centralia 17927: Hell on Earth

A town time forgot...

This town abandoned due to years of neglect. 

Something sinister is happening...

Brutal murders are taking place.

There will be a tidal wave of blood that rushes through the streets of Centralia.

Everybody knows the World's about to end.

"Everybody knows the world's about to end
Everybody wants to know when the end will be
Everybody wants to look before they leave
Everybody wants to simple wine to drink
Everybody wants a little more time to think
Everybody needs a reason why they run
Everybody wants to know what they're running from..."
~the National

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Polar Vortex 2014

Polar Vortex: This phenomenon is the result from the rapid melting of polar sea ice, which replaces white, reflective ice with dark, absorbent open water.  As a result, the region has heated up faster than other parts of the globe.  With the lack of a sufficient temperature difference between Arctic and southern regions to drive jet streams winds, these streams may have become weaker and more variable in its course, allowing cold air usually confined to the poles to reach further into the mid latitudes. 

The Outside Temperatures are dropping and so are the bodies.

Murder and Mayhem during the endless winter nights...

Capture, Torture, and Kill these worthless Earth creatures called Humans.

Drag them through the snow and ice into the deep dark woods.  Hide them until Spring. 

These bodies will appear after the Winter Thaw.  All laid out for inspection.

Humans created this mess.  Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are here to clean it all up!

Society will learn the wrath of Mr. Tiddles and his killing partner Goatboy...

"It is so cold...I think I saw a Democrat with his hands in his own pockets."  --Anonymous Conservative