Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Fear

The Year 2016

World Leaders dropping like flies…

Some are resigning…some overthrown…

Rigged Amerika Election…

Nuclear War lurking in 2017

Climate Change

Humans are going the way of the Dinosaurs; only much faster…

This is the Planet’s NEW FEAR

“The world had seen so many Ages: the Age of Enlightenment; of Reformation; of Reason. Now, at last, the Age of Desire. And after this, an end to Ages; an end, perhaps, to everything.”

CLIVE BARKER, The Inhuman Condition

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Zombie Outbreak: Paris River Seine

Leaked File Photo

Amerika’s Z1N1 virus  has reached the European Continent

Zombie sightings have been reported along the River Seine

The Devastation that occurred in Amerika will be replicated throughout Europe

Leaked CDC documents indicate that the virus has mutated and has been spreading at an alarming rate

Soon the inhabitants of Paris, France will be attacking one another biting and chewing on the Living.  The Living attacking both the Dead and the weaker citizens trying to survive

It is Happening Again…”

~Twin Peaks 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Season of Darkness: Bastille France

White Rabbit Roaming Bastille France…

The White Rabbit mysteriously appears in Bastille, France.

Why or How???

The White Rabbit senses the impending doom that has spread to other parts of the Earth.

Political and Social Upheaval reigns in AMERIKA.

The discontent among humans has spread to the European Nations.

First Great Britain…Now France…

“It was the Best of Times…It was the Worst of Times…It was the season of Darkness, It was the Winter of Despair…”
~Charles Dickens


Sunday, October 23, 2016


PIG farms are popping up all over the Heartland...

Getting rid of human corpses

5-6 LARGE PIGS will chew and consume a 200 pound/kg corpse in less than 20 minutes.

You could remove the teeth and large bones to aid with digestion.  However, never leave any evidence.   So, the PIGS get to devour the whole Carcass in one delicious meal.

Humans are barreling towards Extinction…lets assist this glorious process.


“Four legs good, two legs bad.”

~George Orwell (Animal Farm)

Monday, October 10, 2016


PIGMAN sightings fuel panic across the globe...

Are they good or evil? Or does it matter…

And the populace thought that clowns were dangerous…

“All Animals are Equal, but Some Animals are More Equal than Others.”

~George Orwell (Animal Farm)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Feasting on the Leftovers

These two beasts are having a banquet

Peck, crush with their Gizzards, and Swallow

These Creatures are direct descendants of the mighty Dinosaurs

They will be here long after Humans are wiped off this planet  

Humans are going extinct faster than the Dinosaurs ever did…

“The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!”

~George Carlin

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Unsolicited Attacks occurring daily

Blood and Teeth marks appear on flesh

These Hordes of Savages attacking the living

Just like the mighty ANTS...

Z1N1 virus working as planned  

"ANTS and SAVAGES put strangers to Death."

~Bertrand Russell

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Viva la Revolution!

Main Force Police (M.F.P.) is a renegade revolutionary group that has grown out of the chaos of Amerika.

This group will attempt to overthrow the current fascist regime who unleashed the Z1N1 virus upon their populace.

Blood flowing in the streets... 

Remember a bloodless revolution is not a revolution at all.

Mayhem and Destruction will rule the landscape.
Either you are for us or against us.  There is no in-between.

The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.

~Che Guevara

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Waiting Room

Members of the Populace given the opportunity to End their Life

Can go to government-sponsored Extermination Centers

Some humans do not wish to live under the current environment

The Z1N1 Virus raging and causing chaos

Humans attacking and eating each other

The Amerika Media blaming Flakka drug use among the youth

Do not be fooled...It's the Virus...working its magic...Wiping out the Population

Therefore, some sit in                                 the waiting room...anticipating        the End...

"Hanging around
Another day
Waiting for collection
Feeling Blue"


Saturday, August 27, 2016

Warning: They're Here

They have Landed...


"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.  Both are equally terrifying."

~Arthur C. Clarke

Friday, August 19, 2016

Towns that Disappear Completely

Ghost towns are popping up everywhere along Amerika's landscape.

A Man-Made Plague is upon us...

Humans are quickly going the way of the Dinosaurs.

Once Extinct...there is no coming back...

The Rabbit is curious and wishes to see what is inside this hidden lab located in a seemingly abandoned structure.  A town, the populace has long forgotten.  An ideal place for some nefarious experiments conducted against Humanity and the Animal Kingdom

Should we follow this Soothsaying Rabbit?

"Walk with me to the End...Stare with me into the Abyss..."


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Florida Zika Zone

Amerika Gov't unleashes    Genetically Modified Organisms to "fight" man-made Zika Virus in Florida.

CDC has modified male mosquitoes to mate with possible Zika carrying female mosquitoes in order to kill off their offspring.

Should the Populace actually trust the Amerika Gov't in this risky experiment? 

Superbugs will be created to further spread their Z1N1 Virus...

"Beware of absolute unchecked government power."


Saturday, July 9, 2016


The Noose is tightening around all our necks...

Rope burn...

Being dragged along a dusty highway in the middle of nowhere...

Losing oxygen...choking on your own saliva...blacking out...

Where did we go wrong?

Civil War...

Us Against Them...

the Living vs. the Undead

the Rich and Privileged vs. the Struggling Poor

will not be
from the outside.  If we falter and lose our
it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

~Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Judgement Day Part II: July 4, 2016

This Amerikan holiday there will be blood in the streets...

There will be Pissed off Populists roaming the streets...

Hiding behind the FLAG...causing chaos...

The Disenfranchised will run Amuck...

Run and Hide...

No one is Safe from these Marauders...

"Blood in the street, Blood in the street, roaming dogs in heat."

~William S. Burroughs (reading a Jim Morrison poem)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Killing under the Strawberry Moon 2016

A Strawberry Moon

First time since 1967

This strange moon arrives with the Summer Solstice.

Mr. Tiddles is not going to pass up this outer worldly coincidence.

It's time to Slice and Dice humans under this exquisite Strawberry Moon.

Blood will be spilled on this night.

There is no turning back…

Fate awaits us all…

“The Killing Moon. Will come too soon!

~Echo and the Bunnymen

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Until We Felt Red...

Slowly...Tracking our Prey...

Graffiti filled walls...

Smiling and Laughing one minute...

Screaming and Crying the next...

Multiple stab wounds all over neck and torso...

Scalp the blond ponytail off her head...jam it down her throat...

Blood oozing from every human orifice...

We did not stop...

Until We Felt Red...

"and things only got worse after the screaming stopped!"


Friday, April 29, 2016

Lovers' Fate

Fate brought the next two victims to Mr. Tiddles.

Two snuggling souls unaware of the Death and Destruction that is in the air.

Being young and stupid have their advantages.

the CDC has imposed a curfew on the populace due to the spread of Infection.

Mr. Tiddles strolls up behind these two unsuspecting lovers, throws a huge garbage bag over their heads, and proceeds to tie it tighter and tighter cutting off all oxygen. 

It seemed to suffocate the life out of them.

However, Mr. Tiddles observed their wrists slashed and pools of blood had gathered in their laps.

Maybe, these lovers had the right idea to check out of this world before the Infection had spread throughout the region.  

"These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume."

~William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Monday, March 21, 2016

Doing it to Death

the shapes to never come

the waiting of the penultimate orgasm

dead bodies are piling up in motels up and down the coast

sex is the new disease

bodies become red, over heat and then expire...

"Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie."

Russian Proverb