Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Year 2/29/2016: An Extra Day to Kill

Four years have come and gone since the last extra day added to the Human Calendar.

Mr. Tiddles will take this opportunity to lurk in the           
      Shadows of Suburbia on this extra day.

Waiting for a "hard working individual" to return home from a difficult day of fleecing the public of their money through corrupt dealings at a major hedge fund...  This unsuspecting individual pulls up in his sports car counting all the money he made that day in his head.  Not a care in the world.  Trust me, in a few minutes he will care an awful lot more.

This naive human creature steps out and walks towards the front of his vehicle for some reason.  He begins to wipe dirt and animal blood off the front of his vehicle.  He probably hit an innocent creature of the animal kingdom and did not stop to investigate.  He believes he is superior to all creatures.      

Mr. Tiddles must enlighten him that he is not...

As this hedge fund guru stands up from leaning over the vehicle, a plastic bag (one of the most damaging item of the environment that is plaguing all landfills) thrown over his head.  He is failing his arms and legs.  Mr. Tiddles tightens the plastic bag and cuts off more oxygen.  Twisting and whirling in pain.  His life force is spiraling towards Oblivion.     

Hearing grunts and growls, weird thoughts flood his mind right before he takes his last breath.  Some creature is attacking me and probably will eat me.   Why me? 

Mr. Tiddles reads his mind and whispers to him.  "Why deserve this fate and much more..."

Mr. Tiddles drags the body into the garage.  Now it's time for the power tools to do their work.  This guy probably never thought his hobby of making wooden furniture would assist with dismembering his body.   

To be continued... maybe next leap year...

"A strange amazing day that only comes once every four years.  For the rest of the time it does not 'exist'."

~Vera Nazarian