Sunday, September 18, 2016


Unsolicited Attacks occurring daily

Blood and Teeth marks appear on flesh

These Hordes of Savages attacking the living

Just like the mighty ANTS...

Z1N1 virus working as planned  

"ANTS and SAVAGES put strangers to Death."

~Bertrand Russell

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Viva la Revolution!

Main Force Police (M.F.P.) is a renegade revolutionary group that has grown out of the chaos of Amerika.

This group will attempt to overthrow the current fascist regime who unleashed the Z1N1 virus upon their populace.

Blood flowing in the streets... 

Remember a bloodless revolution is not a revolution at all.

Mayhem and Destruction will rule the landscape.
Either you are for us or against us.  There is no in-between.

The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.

~Che Guevara

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Waiting Room

Members of the Populace given the opportunity to End their Life

Can go to government-sponsored Extermination Centers

Some humans do not wish to live under the current environment

The Z1N1 Virus raging and causing chaos

Humans attacking and eating each other

The Amerika Media blaming Flakka drug use among the youth

Do not be fooled...It's the Virus...working its magic...Wiping out the Population

Therefore, some sit in                                 the waiting room...anticipating        the End...

"Hanging around
Another day
Waiting for collection
Feeling Blue"
