Sunday, October 23, 2016


PIG farms are popping up all over the Heartland...

Getting rid of human corpses

5-6 LARGE PIGS will chew and consume a 200 pound/kg corpse in less than 20 minutes.

You could remove the teeth and large bones to aid with digestion.  However, never leave any evidence.   So, the PIGS get to devour the whole Carcass in one delicious meal.

Humans are barreling towards Extinction…lets assist this glorious process.


“Four legs good, two legs bad.”

~George Orwell (Animal Farm)

Monday, October 10, 2016


PIGMAN sightings fuel panic across the globe...

Are they good or evil? Or does it matter…

And the populace thought that clowns were dangerous…

“All Animals are Equal, but Some Animals are More Equal than Others.”

~George Orwell (Animal Farm)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Feasting on the Leftovers

These two beasts are having a banquet

Peck, crush with their Gizzards, and Swallow

These Creatures are direct descendants of the mighty Dinosaurs

They will be here long after Humans are wiped off this planet  

Humans are going extinct faster than the Dinosaurs ever did…

“The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!”

~George Carlin