Sunday, February 19, 2017

Coxcomb Red

SlashSplatterRed…all over the porcelain…

My head slumped against the cold surface…

The Smell of Urine and Feces permeate the air…

She just walked in and started slashing until her arms tired…

The male victim collapsed and his head smashed against the toilet bowl…

and then she turned the blade on herself…

Was this Revenge or just plain Madness of these Sick Times???


“I watched you hold the sun in your arms while we bled to death.”


Saturday, February 18, 2017

The World Won’t Listen

Panic in the Streets…

Blood in the Water…

Humans were Warned…

PIGMEN roaming the Earth…

Sightings and Killings have increased exponentially…

There is no stopping this Apocalypse

“Panic on the streets of London
Panic on the streets of Birmingham
I wonder to myself
Could life ever be sane again?”

~The Smiths

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Strange Happenings at the Hotel Dieu

Evenements estranges a l’Hotel-Dieu

The French Populace are unaware their government is secretly conducting biological warfare experiments similar to the ones being held in Amerika.

These experiments are being conducted at this abandoned hotel.

The lights are on and something Evil is being done.

This is all part of the New World Order

“It’s not the past that should scare you. It’s the future.”
