Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Dream Therapy Musings Part II

This is a recount of a recorded therapy session of Male Patient XY:

After approximately 600 hours of intensive individual therapy…

The patient still believes it’s some sort of Serial Killer that travels the Earth dispatching tortured souls into oblivion…

Here is an excerpt of its recent musings during a session:

“Walking along this corridor with my companion (Goatboy) in this experimental facility.  I want to be a heretic searching for my prey.             If we are just dust then it doesn’t matter who we KILL.  Looking for the Weak and Wicked.  Sent here to dispatch these worthless creatures to the Great Beyond.  Trust me…there is no way to help us. If I were to sleep, I could dream.  If I were afraid, I could hide.  If I am insane, don't put your wires in my brain…”

The tape ends abruptly…

“We were born sick and becoming sicker each day.”

~ Anonymous