Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Leave Me for the CROWS

The Crows will feast on this Human carcass. 

Peck and Devour the Rotting flesh.

Humans are sick when they are born.

If men had wings and bore black feathers, few of them would be clever enough to be crows.” 

~ Rev. Henry Ward Beecher

Monday, November 13, 2017

Biscuit Town

In this town…

Life is Trash

My brain is leaking

I think I might be bipolar

She thinks I’m bipolar

This girl is not screaming

We are about to crash

Dreams of being good 

It’s all over now…

In Biscuit Town

“I still try to wake up…I still try to wake up…but I just can’t…”

Sunday, November 12, 2017

OCEANSIDE Experimental Factory

This is the place where Evil is personified…

Room after room is filled with lost souls

So much pain and suffering are being produced for the Comrades of the New World Order.

Biological and Chemical weapons being tested on kidnapped members of the Populace.

Animals and Humans are being tested on and transformed into killing beasts for their greater good.

“The World is a Stage, but the play is Badly Cast.”
~Oscar Wilde