Monday, May 7, 2018

All of My Nightmares are Coming True in Kinnitty, Ireland

There’s Evil here at Kinnitty Castletown, Ireland

The White Rabbit awakes from her slumber in a panic.

Was she just dreaming or are all her nightmares coming true?

Wicked spirits roam the hallways of Kinnitty Castle.

Noise from slamming doors echo the passageways throughout.

Restless ghosts attempt to haunt the guests during their stay.

It is said the ghost of a monk haunts the Great Hall and Dungeon Bar at Kinnitty Castle.    

The White Rabbit hears and sees the peril that will befall humans in the near future.

The monk speaks about the plagues of the past and the       White Rabbit sees the similarities in our time.

Humans are on a path of no return…the White Rabbit will continue to follow into the Abyss

“It’s hard to wake from a nightmare when the nightmare is real.”

~Kristin Cashmore

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Standing Outside A Broken Phone

Every ringing phone must be answered…

doesn't it?

Tiddles picks up the phone…

Through crackling sounds: A Disembodied

Voice says…

I have a War in mind…

A never-ending battle between the humans.

Killing one another in the name of their own god.

When will it stop…the Killing and the 


As Planet Earth turns closer to Extinction

It’s a US versus THEM mentality…

Didn’t you know you had permission 

to Murder and Maim

“We sit outside and argue all night long

About a god we've never seen…”

~Primitive Gods

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Daisy: Cabin Madness on the Lake

Taken from the WetNanna files:

A remote cabin by a Lake

DAISY is taken there by her handlers…
There is no fresh air and tranquility in this place…

Amerika Government is experimenting with Canines
Attempting to make them into super weapons to do their evil bidding.

Daisy is strong and true and would never allow this to happen to her…
She is actually turning the tables on these humans and seducing them into thinking she is an innocent cute canine.  


Maybe…they should have experimented on the Felines

“You just have to trust your own MADNESS.”

~Clive Barker

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Frozen Amerika 2018

Most of Amerika is under a DEEP FREEZE

With temperatures dropping 25 to 35 degrees below average in vast areas of the US breaking century-old records, the populace is taking unusual measures:

Boiling their own urine for drinking water

Resorting to Cannibalism to Survive

This will be the New World Order…Survival of the Fittest…

“That cold in the weather, that's death approaching…”


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Dinner on Montauk - Long Island

Look Who's Coming to Dinner?

Montauk residents are unaware of the coming carnage that will befallen upon their quiet town.

This female PIGGY will appear in their elegant and luxurious beach houses in the dead of night.

Watch them sleep peacefully for the last time…

During the REM sleep cycle…the eating ritual will begin…

Rip, Tear, Slash…Devour, Chew, and finally Digest…

These sleeping unsuspecting Montauk residents are now food…

Lindenhurst is Next…

“But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals
Sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . .”

~Nick Cave