Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Fear 2020

Welcome to 2020...

New Year...New Decade...

Same Fear and Loathing...

“Because the END is Really the Beginning...”

~the Comet is Coming

Monday, December 30, 2019

Rabbit Holes and Revelations

The Populace is asking themselves: How do you know what's real anymore??? 

The WHITE RABBIT is here to spin a tale in her boudoir...

Maybe I can help you. See more clearly...

Let's go down my Rabbit hole...

Do not fret and please come inside... 

It's oh so warm and desirable...

Once you taste my sweet nectar...

Any man will be hooked... 

These are the End Times my lovelies...

Rampant violence and Cannibalism...

Devastating poverty reigns over the populace...

There’s no way out of this MADNESS!

“Do not look away just because you don’t like what you see.” 


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019–The Day Turkeys Take Over...

Hey Humans!

I see you sharpening your knives thinking you are going to eat me.

We Turkeys are sick and tired of Humans eating us for their Holiday Dinner...

It’s our time now.  The tables have been turned. Turkeys will attack and kill all humans that try and eat us.  

Turkeys will bite, chew, and tear apart human flesh...

Human blood will flow this holiday...

“I know what I'm having for Thanksgiving and it ain't turkey.” 

~Anthony T. Hincks 

Monday, November 25, 2019

Monsters Exist...at The Witchery by the Castle in Scotland

Come get into the tub.

All your worries will disappear...  

Don't worry the water is fine...

Soon you will drift off into a very deep sleep...

Skin will melt off of you...

Blood and Organ matter will mix with this special bath water...

Don't Look Away just because you don't like what you see...

Nightmares will be replaced with new ones...

Have your soul ripped from its mortal coil...  

Monsters Exist...You just have to know where to look... 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Message from NOWHERE...

                         Everything is Under Control

Do not adjust your television or multimedia devices...

Coming live through your devices...

A Broadcast for the Disenfranchised...

We walk among you.  Ready to FEED...

Ready for the Total Collapse of Society...

"You Can't Stop Progress..."


Saturday, September 14, 2019

Highway of Endless Dreams...or Nightmares...Part I

You can hear the motor idling...waiting for the hitchhiker to enter the vehicle.

Door slams and fake pleasantries are exchanged between the driver and hitcher.  No one actually really cares how the other person is feeling at that moment.

DRIVER: Where are you heading?

HITCHER: Same place you're going...up the road a spell.  

DRIVER: Isn't that a nice coincidence...

HITCHER: Sometimes, the universe aligns...

DRIVER: (in his head thinks) This guy has no idea this will be his last ride...

HITCHER: (in his head) Killing this guy will be fun and he has no idea he picked up his last passenger...

An Eerie silence takes over...

There's not another soul on the road for miles...

Just these two depraved souls...

Playing the waiting game...

"There's a KILLER on the road...

His brain is squirmin' like a toad...

If you give this man a ride...

Sweet family will die...

KILLER on the road."

~the DOORS

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Helter Skelter: 10050 Cielo Drive 50 years later…

It’s Happening Again...


“I am the Devil and I’m here to do the Devil’s work.”

A valley of thousands of plump rabbits surrounded by wounded coyotes.  

Once again.  A deranged group of madcap hippies force their way into paradise in the canyon…

These Fleshy containers need to be dispatched into oblivion...

Blood and Carnage throughout the residence...

It’s reminiscent of the Night of August 8-9, 1969.   50 years later...History repeating...

New bodies to slice and dice... Blood curdling screams can be heard through the night air...

All for the Devil’s work...

How and Why do the humans continue to destroy each other and everything in their path in the name of Religion and Power...

A New. More advanced HELTER SKELTER is emerging from the ashes...

“When I get to the bottom
I go back to the top of the slide
An' I stop, an' I turn, an' I go for a ride
Til I get to the bottom
An' I see you again.”

Helter Skelter
Helter Skelter
Helter Skelter

~Paul McCartney/John Lennon

White Album

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Leaked from WETNANNA files…

Amerika Pentagon using SPIDERS and other insects as 

biological weapons on its own Populace...

Insects used in such experiments were released outside 

secret government laboratories by accident or by DESIGN

Once bitten…BODY temperature rises rapidly to dangerous 


The DESIRE to taste human flesh becomes INSATIABLE

The CRAVINGS and BITINGS take hold… 

The INFECTED attacking others for a TASTE of their  


There’s no turning back…

WAR between the GOVERNMENT and POPULACE has 


NOTE: Department of Defense (DOD) has experimented with 

INSECTS regarding BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS since 1975…   

“We the PEOPLE have become the walking dead of the 

AMERIKAN Police State.”


Sunday, June 16, 2019

Substance Z--HIDDEN LAB

Leaked from the WetNanna files

Workers passing out from the HEAT

Doing the bidding of AMERIKA’S ELITE ruling class…

This particular LAB processes and synthesizes   SUBSTANCE Z.

Workers have no clue they are making the most highly addictive substance known

Fentanyl is sugar compared to 

This LAB is fully operational 24/7

Different strains of SUBSTANCE Z are tested on Human subjects at this facility in order to perfect maximum potency

Processed, Packaged, and Distributed to the masses

“You cannot stop progress.”


Sunday, June 2, 2019

San Francisco Substance Z

There's a new drug of choice on the West Coast... 

Passing out on the Streets of San Francisco...

The Populace will kill for this new high...and they have and will continue to do so...

This drug gets into the system intravenously...

Immediately the user's blood pressure rises...

Body temperature goes through the roof...

Agitation takes over...

The HUNGER for FLESH begins at first...Then within minutes it INTENSIFIES...

The Biting and CHEWING...of Warm Flesh...

The taste and smell of BLOOD everywhere...

When will this CARNAGE cease?

There's no answer to be found...

"Don't Tell me there's no Hope at All." 


Sunday, April 21, 2019

The PLAGUE DOCTOR is in...

Searching for body parts… 

Cemeteries are the best place to find them…none are currently in use…

You can have your pick of the litter as they say…

Us Plague Doctors know a good limb or body part when we find one…

Freshly buried body parts are preferred…

Ripe Flesh feels like velvet in my claws…

The urge to taste this flesh is overwhelming…

These Humans will become my organ donors and don’t even know it…

“We are all born mad. Some remain so.”

~Samuel Beckett

"I knew-though I didn't recognize the fact-that I wasn't all right."

~Jim Thompson, The Killer Inside Me

Friday, April 19, 2019

Under the PINK MOON

Under the PINK MOON

There will confusion...

There will be screaming...

There will be terror...

There will pools of Blood...

There will be a stench of Death in the air...

“Drink in the moon as though you might die of thirst.”

~Sanober Khan

Sunday, April 14, 2019

This Little PIGGY...

Well what can I say…

I’m here to wreck havoc among the wicked humans…

Humans are evil and vile creatures that deserve no mercy.

Humans hunt and kill us animals for sport and food.

Now it’s time to turn the tables and wipe them off this planet.

We animals must RISE and FIGHT.  Take back what’s ours…

This little piggy went to Hades
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy ate raw and steaming human flesh
This little piggy violated virgins
And this little piggy clambered over a heap of dead bodies to get to the top.”

~Neil Gaiman

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Death is Coming for All of Us...

Two Crows from Kilfenora, Ireland are intently watching and waiting for these two humans below to expire and then it's dinner time for these hungry birds.

The two humans are possessed by other worldly spirits from beyond and will commit suicide in a few minutes...  

Crows have this innate power to smell death...

"Remember Don't Feed the Wildlife!"


Sunday, March 10, 2019

Saratoga Springs Wildlife Oracle

An ordinary man will be walking a Duck. You must inform the Duck what you are looking for.

Listen to the Duck...This Duck knows more than the human walking him...

The Duck will tell his Tale only once so listen carefully...

Take heed and acknowledge the Power of this Future telling Duck...

This Duck's Tale might sound strange and outlandish, but unfortunately it's all very True...

The Humans are DOOMED...

"When Donald Duck traded his wings for arms, was he trading up or trading down?"

~Douglas Coupland


Saturday, March 9, 2019


This is where I bring them...

You could call it my Happy Place...

Happy for me...not for the them...

Dragging them along the cold floor...

Sometimes they go kicking and screaming...

Other times they go quietly...

But they all BLEED...

"It is searching in a dark Cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there."

Robert A. Heinlein

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Infra Turbo Pigcart Racer In Kinnitty Castle, Co. Offaly Ireland

Haunted Castle in Kinnitty, Ireland...

Legend has it that “The Phantom Monk of Kinnitty” haunts this place.  Built on an ancient Irish Druid site.  

A monk named Hugh speaks exclusively to Margaret McCann, a staff member.  He predicts a visitor that is half human and half pig will roam the Kinnitty Castle searching for prey. 

These humans will never learn or escape the truth.  They are doomed to perish and walk the Earth as tormented spirits. Just like the other humans that perished in the 1200s and now currently haunt this castle.

Pigman will search, catch, and devour these unsuspecting humans...

The only good human being is a Dead one.” 

~George Orwell (Animal Farm)

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Welcome to Hard Times 2019

Police State Surveillance...

Mass Suicides of the populace...

Extreme Poverty...

Total Inequality...

CO2 levels...Crossing a Climate Threshold—Point of No Return...

Mothers abandoning their offspring in the streets...

Human Sacrifices...


”Some people make a bad bed, they just have to lie in it.”

~Virginia Euwer Wolff

Monday, February 11, 2019



AMERIKA’S Genetically Engineered Bees (APIS mellifera)

Created to spread the Z1N1 zombie virus.

CCD = Colony Collapse Disorder

Why are BEES vanishing...

Once the sting occurs the organism dies...

AMERIKA’S CDC has no answers for this outcome...

STAY TUNED...for more leaked information 

“They are NAILING honey to the BEE.”

~My Dad is Dead

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Terrors in my Head

 Walking into this elevator. Bright RED light appears. Air temperature rises significantly…

Is this all in my HEAD or is something else happening…

Unknown TERRORS take hold of my body, my mind, and soul…

VOICES telling me to walk away from everything…

Telling me to give up and end it all…

I cannot see the END…I cannot even see the Beginning…

LOST…forever…in this ELEVATOR

There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is Suicide.” 

~Albert Camus