Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Infra Turbo Pigcart Racer In Kinnitty Castle, Co. Offaly Ireland

Haunted Castle in Kinnitty, Ireland...

Legend has it that “The Phantom Monk of Kinnitty” haunts this place.  Built on an ancient Irish Druid site.  

A monk named Hugh speaks exclusively to Margaret McCann, a staff member.  He predicts a visitor that is half human and half pig will roam the Kinnitty Castle searching for prey. 

These humans will never learn or escape the truth.  They are doomed to perish and walk the Earth as tormented spirits. Just like the other humans that perished in the 1200s and now currently haunt this castle.

Pigman will search, catch, and devour these unsuspecting humans...

The only good human being is a Dead one.” 

~George Orwell (Animal Farm)

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Welcome to Hard Times 2019

Police State Surveillance...

Mass Suicides of the populace...

Extreme Poverty...

Total Inequality...

CO2 levels...Crossing a Climate Threshold—Point of No Return...

Mothers abandoning their offspring in the streets...

Human Sacrifices...


”Some people make a bad bed, they just have to lie in it.”

~Virginia Euwer Wolff

Monday, February 11, 2019



AMERIKA’S Genetically Engineered Bees (APIS mellifera)

Created to spread the Z1N1 zombie virus.

CCD = Colony Collapse Disorder

Why are BEES vanishing...

Once the sting occurs the organism dies...

AMERIKA’S CDC has no answers for this outcome...

STAY TUNED...for more leaked information 

“They are NAILING honey to the BEE.”

~My Dad is Dead

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Terrors in my Head

 Walking into this elevator. Bright RED light appears. Air temperature rises significantly…

Is this all in my HEAD or is something else happening…

Unknown TERRORS take hold of my body, my mind, and soul…

VOICES telling me to walk away from everything…

Telling me to give up and end it all…

I cannot see the END…I cannot even see the Beginning…

LOST…forever…in this ELEVATOR

There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is Suicide.” 

~Albert Camus