Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Death is Coming for All of Us...

Two Crows from Kilfenora, Ireland are intently watching and waiting for these two humans below to expire and then it's dinner time for these hungry birds.

The two humans are possessed by other worldly spirits from beyond and will commit suicide in a few minutes...  

Crows have this innate power to smell death...

"Remember Don't Feed the Wildlife!"


Sunday, March 10, 2019

Saratoga Springs Wildlife Oracle

An ordinary man will be walking a Duck. You must inform the Duck what you are looking for.

Listen to the Duck...This Duck knows more than the human walking him...

The Duck will tell his Tale only once so listen carefully...

Take heed and acknowledge the Power of this Future telling Duck...

This Duck's Tale might sound strange and outlandish, but unfortunately it's all very True...

The Humans are DOOMED...

"When Donald Duck traded his wings for arms, was he trading up or trading down?"

~Douglas Coupland


Saturday, March 9, 2019


This is where I bring them...

You could call it my Happy Place...

Happy for me...not for the them...

Dragging them along the cold floor...

Sometimes they go kicking and screaming...

Other times they go quietly...

But they all BLEED...

"It is searching in a dark Cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there."

Robert A. Heinlein