Sunday, April 21, 2019

The PLAGUE DOCTOR is in...

Searching for body parts… 

Cemeteries are the best place to find them…none are currently in use…

You can have your pick of the litter as they say…

Us Plague Doctors know a good limb or body part when we find one…

Freshly buried body parts are preferred…

Ripe Flesh feels like velvet in my claws…

The urge to taste this flesh is overwhelming…

These Humans will become my organ donors and don’t even know it…

“We are all born mad. Some remain so.”

~Samuel Beckett

"I knew-though I didn't recognize the fact-that I wasn't all right."

~Jim Thompson, The Killer Inside Me

Friday, April 19, 2019

Under the PINK MOON

Under the PINK MOON

There will confusion...

There will be screaming...

There will be terror...

There will pools of Blood...

There will be a stench of Death in the air...

“Drink in the moon as though you might die of thirst.”

~Sanober Khan

Sunday, April 14, 2019

This Little PIGGY...

Well what can I say…

I’m here to wreck havoc among the wicked humans…

Humans are evil and vile creatures that deserve no mercy.

Humans hunt and kill us animals for sport and food.

Now it’s time to turn the tables and wipe them off this planet.

We animals must RISE and FIGHT.  Take back what’s ours…

This little piggy went to Hades
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy ate raw and steaming human flesh
This little piggy violated virgins
And this little piggy clambered over a heap of dead bodies to get to the top.”

~Neil Gaiman