Saturday, September 14, 2019

Highway of Endless Dreams...or Nightmares...Part I

You can hear the motor idling...waiting for the hitchhiker to enter the vehicle.

Door slams and fake pleasantries are exchanged between the driver and hitcher.  No one actually really cares how the other person is feeling at that moment.

DRIVER: Where are you heading?

HITCHER: Same place you're going...up the road a spell.  

DRIVER: Isn't that a nice coincidence...

HITCHER: Sometimes, the universe aligns...

DRIVER: (in his head thinks) This guy has no idea this will be his last ride...

HITCHER: (in his head) Killing this guy will be fun and he has no idea he picked up his last passenger...

An Eerie silence takes over...

There's not another soul on the road for miles...

Just these two depraved souls...

Playing the waiting game...

"There's a KILLER on the road...

His brain is squirmin' like a toad...

If you give this man a ride...

Sweet family will die...

KILLER on the road."

~the DOORS