Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Fear 2020

Welcome to 2020...

New Year...New Decade...

Same Fear and Loathing...

“Because the END is Really the Beginning...”

~the Comet is Coming

Monday, December 30, 2019

Rabbit Holes and Revelations

The Populace is asking themselves: How do you know what's real anymore??? 

The WHITE RABBIT is here to spin a tale in her boudoir...

Maybe I can help you. See more clearly...

Let's go down my Rabbit hole...

Do not fret and please come inside... 

It's oh so warm and desirable...

Once you taste my sweet nectar...

Any man will be hooked... 

These are the End Times my lovelies...

Rampant violence and Cannibalism...

Devastating poverty reigns over the populace...

There’s no way out of this MADNESS!

“Do not look away just because you don’t like what you see.” 
