Saturday, January 25, 2020

Year of the Rat: Coronavirus 2020

Files stolen from Wetnanna's Hard Drive

Coronavirus now a Global Health Emergency- World Health Organization 


If you're reading this you are barely alive...

This virus has killed millions of the populace...

The streets are eerily silent...

The residents are holed up in their shelters...

No one dares to go in and no one dares to leave to walk among each other...

This virus has made a population of hermits...

Trust no one.  Not even family members or friends.  Soon water and food will become scarce.  There's no hope in sight...  

The silence in the towns is deafening...   

To be continued...

"It’s the YEAR of the RAT!”

Monday, January 20, 2020

They're Already Here...

Why are you here?

Is the WORLD ending soon?

So many questions but no answers...

There's a disturbance in the atmosphere

Can't you feel it?

It seems that the Animals of this Planet are the only creatures that feel this disruption...

Why do these celestial creatures walk among the Populace unnoticed...

Too many questions and not enough answers...

"Why haven't we heard from aliens? It's because they're already here. You just don't know where to look, do you?"

~ Anthony T. Hincks 

Friday, January 10, 2020


The Wolf Moon will shine brightly in the night sky on this night...

Tensions will be HIGH on Earth among creatures both on two and four legs...

The Smell of Death is in the atmosphere 

This Unmistakeable stench will be present throughout the night...

It's reminder that the Earth creatures are at WAR...

You can hear the HOWLING of the Wolves... 

Alerting the PACK of the impending battle against those two-legged demons called Humans...

Humans need to be DEFEATED at all costs...

The four-legged creatures must take back this planet...Before there is nothing left to take back...

"Men argue. Nature acts." 



Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Dawn of Biohazard Butterfly Bob would think it gets easier as time goes by and the bodies pile up... killing leads to another and that one leads to does not stop.

Must cover your tracks at all costs.

Every drop of BLOOD reveals a little more.

It will all be laid out for you to read, digest and above all learn...

“Remember when you’re alone don’t listen to the voices...”