Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19: Meowing at the Boogeyman...

Even the Felines are affected by these troubling times...

The Felines know the Humans are dying in droves...

COVID-19 is some sort of an unknown entity wrecking havoc among the Populace.

Touch something or breathe in something and it's goodbye...

Like the Felines...Humans are all Meowing at the Boogeyman... 

"Maullando al Cuco."

~Lissette M.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Coronavirus: Wartime in Amerika 2020

CHAOS reigns in Amerika...

The Populace is at War with the VIRUS and with the Amerika Government at the same time.

Lockdowns...Quarantines...Stay in Place...

An invisible enemy is attacking the Populace...

Hospitals are overrun with the sick...

Thousands are dying by the day...

Us vs. Them...

Humans rushing to Extinction faster than ever!

"Chaos is what killed the Dinosaurs, daring..."

~JD - Heathers

Saturday, March 21, 2020


No one around...

Have not seen a soul in weeks...

Is there anyone out there?

Days are melding into each other...

If it's daytime or's the same 

Isolation and Quarantine  

"This place is HELL's waiting room."

~Steven Ramirez

Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19: Descent into MADNESS

It was the Best of was the Worst of Times...

COVID-19 VIRUS is running rampant through the populace...

Humans are Defecating everywhere...

Soon most walkways, roads, and streets will be filled with human waste...

The smell permeates the air...

Choking back bile in your throats...

To be continued...

“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”

~Akita Kurosawa 

Saturday, March 14, 2020


I’m lying here not knowing if my friends or family members are alive or dead.

Life in quarantine...

There are no sounds outside to be heard.  No people...

I have trouble remembering how long I’ve been here alone. I don’t remember when was the last time food or liquid touched my lips.

How did we as a society become like this? Did we bring this madness upon ourselves?  So many questions with absolutely no answers...

“That cold you’re feeling...Ain’t the weather.  It’s Death approaching...”

~30 days of Night