Monday, June 15, 2020

Man in the Woods

The Man in the Woods has a story...

Was he just too exhausted to carry on with life?

Or did he finally succumb to COVID-19

Humans dropping like flies...

Like Rats jumping a sinking ship...

Humans had enough of 2020...

We are outta here...

Suicide might just be the answer we are all looking for...A WAY OUT of this MESS!!!

"I believe we were already dead before the ship sank."

~Modest Mouse

Sunday, June 14, 2020


Military vehicles are rolling into towns and cities throughout Amerika...

Picking up the dead bodies in the streets...

Maintaining order among the barely living...

Man attacking their own family members and neighbors for survival...

Food, Clothing, and Shelter are scarce...

Cannibalism reigns throughout the globe...

The Coronavirus was created for Depopulation...

The Ruling Elite wanted to eliminate the 'undesirables' of the Populace...

Job well done...430,530 deaths and counting...

"I am constantly amazed by man's inhumanity to man."

~Primo Levi  

Friday, June 12, 2020

Existential Musings: CORONAVIRUS

Why are we going through this?

Was this virus man-made or natural?

Is Amerika's Elite lying to its populace?

Will it make us stronger or just make us weaker?

Do we have the will to survive?

Is this the beginning of the 

Will the animals survive without man?

Is this God's way of hitting the reset button?

All these questions, but no answers.  Just  lies...

"The worst part about being lied to is knowing you weren't worth the truth..."  

~Jean-Paul Sartre

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Humans have been under Quarantine for months...

Pollution has dropped dramatically...

Nature has taken over...

Tree growth and Vegetation have rebounded...

As you can see...No Humans is a positive outcome for Planet Earth.  

The unleashing of the COVID-19 virus  assisted Nature in reclaiming the WORLD from the Despicable Humans...  

"Human Civilization was a relentless war that man was doomed to lose eventually."

~Robert Harris

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Viva La Revolution 2020

The Revolution is being televised in the streets...

Burning and Looting...

Humans must get their hands dirty in order for real change...

Violent Protests seem to be the answer in 2020... 

Change must be brought forth among the Populace...

The burning and destruction of capitalistic society needs to be done...

"A revolution is bloody. Revolution is hostile. Revolution knows no compromise.  Revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way..."

~Malcolm X

Monday, June 8, 2020

Song of the Cicadas 2020

Waking up after 17 years in the middle of a Pandemic (COVID-19)...

The Cicadas will have to fight off the      
Murder Hornets from Asia for Supremacy...

These group of Cicadas have been resting underground for 17 years and are ready to attack...

The RED version of Cicadas are the most deadliest...

These are from Brood X...

They play their deadly music until the Human listener goes insane and kills other humans or kills oneself... 

All need to DRINK the KOOL-AID...

"Killing me

He's killing me

We killing me

Me killing me

Killing me... 

Infectious human waste..."

~Jonestown Tea - Otep

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Transmission from the Void

The Art of Dreaming is Forgotten...

Dreams are DEAD...

Humans searching for meaning that's not there...

COVID-19 running rampant...

Protests and Looting among the Populace...

All there is Emptiness...

The PIG will help you DREAM once again...

"Are you sure this isn't just a NIGHTMARE? And we won't just wake up? Sadly...NO..." 
