Friday, November 27, 2020


 These COVID Turkeys were serious about their mission...

Slaughter as many humans as possible...

Tear, Chew, and Digest Human flesh...

Digestion is difficult due to humans tasting horrible...

This year the COVID Turkeys will have an awful case of Diarrhea...  Eliminating human waste from their bowels... 

"Until Next Thanks-Killing..."


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

2020 Attack of the COVID Turkeys


Did you think that 2020 could get any worse...

This holiday hundreds of COVID infected turkeys are running amok in the streets...

A perfect time to spread some "holiday cheer" to the populace...

These birds will not end up on the Thanksgiving table...

They will end up attacking humans and devouring their sweet juicy flesh...

Some humans will perish from these wounds. Others will become infected with COVID-19 and die a slow painful death...

Humans love to kill and eat Turkeys.  However, this holiday is different.  Humans will be the ones on the menu.

"It is what it is..."

~Donald J. Trump

Monday, November 23, 2020

Le Lapin de Paris


The White Rabbit emerges in Paris during the Pandemic

La Pandemie devore la population parisienne...

Le Lapin blanc from Amerika will seduce the Paris men...

No man can resist Le Lapin blanc's honey pot...

Le Lapin blanc will have Paris men suckling from her ample bosom in no time...

Le Lapin's sweet nectar will drive them wild with desire...

Le Lapin blanc teases them with "A Cure" that will not come to be...

This will just cause...Paris women to rise up against their men and throw them into the street in madness where the COVID-19 Virus runs rampant...     

More people will perish from this awful disease...  

"I am addicted to your allure and fiending for a cure..."


Friday, November 13, 2020


Everything is broken now and I don't know how to fix it.

Or even if it's work fixing...

Nobody can save us now...

We are in this COVID dreamworld...

A descent into a world of MADNESS... 

Insomnia takes hold...

After days and hours of not sleeping your mind plays tricks on you.  You're never really awake or asleep...

Extreme paranoia reigns...

Distrustful of every other living soul...

Days and Weeks just meld together...

You forget you haven't gone outside in weeks or had a real conversation with someone that's flesh and blood...

Too scared to interact with anyone...Even family members...

This COVID dreamworld is just one never ending Nightmare...

Please Wake Us Up...

"There are far worse things awaiting man than death."

~Bram Stoker

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Visions of Bodies Being Burned



Burn everything in sight...

Blood on the rust...

It's not a dream it's a memory...

Murder was not discussed...

Having second thoughts...

Too Late...

That train left the station long ago...

The junkie's blood is sprayed all over the walls...

This guy was already half dead. A hole in his head with brains leaking out...

When the smoke clears and you've seen what you done...

It's way too late to ask for forgiveness...

These visions will haunt you forever...

"Second Thoughts oftentimes are very worst of all thoughts..."

~William Shenstone