Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 the LOST year (COVID)


Someone or something is knocking at the door of 2021...

Do not allow it in...

There will be only more Death and Devastation...

Humans will be hopeful for a vaccine to starve off their demise...

It seems this cure is worse than the disease...

Soon more of the dead will litter the landscape...

Humans have brought this Plague upon themselves and dragged the Animal Kingdom with them...

"Seriously? We saw how 2020 went.  Do we really want to do this, again?"



Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 Bad Habits will be monitored by the Elite...

Not wearing a mask, gathering in groups, refusing to maintain good hygiene, and practicing social distance.

Will be the End of Us...

Can we survive 2021?  I doubt we can actually make it out alive in 2020...

"Amerika will never be the same after 2020."

and that's exactly how the Elites planned it!

Monday, December 28, 2020



Our life is out of focus...

Are we dreaming or is this really happening?

Ever wake up in the middle of the night sweating trying to catch your breath.  Thinking is this how it's going to end.  Quarantined without food or running water.

All alone without any companionship.  Barely working internet.  Black and brownouts throughout the land.

Your pet staring at you for eating their food.  

Witnessing out the window someone devouring their neighborhood for food?

We are completely lost!

"Don't wake me from my Apocalyptic Dreams because real life is much worse..."


A Place 2 Drown


I never had a chance...

Wasn't able to enjoy the time swimming among my kind...

Left to Rot on some beach...

I hope some four-legged creature doesn't come by and completely devour me...

I've been through enough already...

Humans are too busy eating each other for food...

This thing humans call COVID-19 is deadly...

Cannibalism among homo-sapiens is a sight to be seen...

Humans think us creatures are barbaric, they need to look at themselves...

"People drown, quietly, before our eyes, all the time."

~LLsa J. Bick

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Sky was PINK Champagne


The streets are blood red...

What’s next?  A vaccine or just more death and heartache.  

Walking around in a daze looking for some form of life.  

Everybody and everything gone in a flash...

Our bodies are rejecting the last hope...a breakthrough vaccine.  

Vomit and blood all over my clothes.  Where am I going?  Where have I been?  

“The only hope for the doomed, is no hope at all...”

~Virgil, The Aeneid

Friday, December 18, 2020

Nothing is Shocking

 In the Year 2020...

Nothing is Shocking ...

There's dead bodies turning up in the California Canyons...

People being shot by authorities in Salt Lake City...

The police are not willing to accept that the World has gone MAD and these people are looking for food,  attacking each other and devouring the sweet flesh of their fellow man...

Surveillance cameras record these images for everyone to see on the nightly news...  

Show us: Everybody naked and disfigured...

We are not virgins anymore...

COVID-19 is Violent...

"Ain't no wrong, ain't no right...just pleasure and      pain..."

~Jane' s Addiction


 Where do we go from here?

It's the Holidays and there's no celebrating the Death and Destruction.

The World itself is a bad dream and we cannot wake ourselves from this nightmare...

Why should we allow them to poison us with this Vaccine?  

Probably only make it worse.  When was the last time the Amerikan government gave its people something good?

This Vaccine will further divide the populace between the ones that were inoculated and the ones that were not...

"Sometimes the Cure is worse than the Disease..."



Thursday, December 17, 2020



Hello is anybody out there?

A long dark winter has taken hold of Amerika...

All I see is Death...

Bodies strewn all over the landscape...

COVID-19 might be the Death Knell of Humanity...

Martial Law will be enacted in the near future...

Suspension of Amerika's constitution...

We're all in the same boat and we all are going to catch the same hell from the same man..."

~Malcolm X


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thoughts on a Gray Day

Bare Trees...

End of a Season or the End of Us?

Drought...Lack of Clean Water...

Desolate Landscapes...

It's the End or Just the Beginning...

A Do-Over...Start from Scratch...

Do we humans actually deserve a do-over?

The Animal Kingdom should not forgive the Dreaded Humans...

"For the Animal Kingdom, the Holocaust never ended..."

~Philip Wollen 



Humans are walking in the footsteps of the Mighty Dinosaurs...  

Rocketing towards EXTINCTION...

These Mighty Beasts once ruled the Earth...

Humans are much weaker and lack the capacity of critical thought...

COVID-19 has ravaged the human population on Earth and now this virus has jumped to other species of the Animal Kingdom...

A meteorite killed the Dinosaurs...

Humans were dispatched by a virus and their own stupidity...

"Where do we go from here???"
