Friday, January 29, 2021


 There's going to be dead people turning up in canyons eating other humans.  Devouring and Digesting sweet flesh...

The Authorities are not willing to accept what I think they already's the End of the World...

Nothing is shocking...

Show me everybody Naked and Disfigured...

Sex is violent

Your sons and daughters are not virgins anymore.  This disease has radically changed everyone...

"There's Death upon the vine." 

~Deathcab for Cutie

Monday, January 11, 2021

CARNAGE in the Streets


Dark hallway in the underground...

Air is heavy...Salty taste on your lips...

Disorienting feeling walking down the stairs...

Sticky blood on the ground...

A body dragged through the hallway...

Pools of blood forming...

Sprayed blood dripping off the walls...

Cries for help unanswered...

Death hangs in the air...

"That cold ain't the's death approaching..." 

~30 days of Night

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Brain Scamblies


Everyday I start to OOZE... 

There's Ooze dripping from my nose...

Ooze pooling in my eyelids...

Red liquid dripping from my ear canals...

Am I melting? 

Stumbling around in a DAZE...

I cannot stand up straight for long periods of time...

In some cases COVID-19 causes the brain to scramble and ooze out of various orifices...

"The lights are on, but you're not home..."

~Robert Palmer

Friday, January 1, 2021

I Need A ease into 2021


The Sky is on FIRE...

This must be the start of 2021...

To understand what occurred in 2020.

A deadly virus was unleashed by Amerika as form of depopulation method.

Humans have become unsustainable.  Consuming too much and depleting the Earth's resources.

Food and water have become scarce.  Resorting to cannibalism is the only way to survive. 

Earth has been in existence for billion of years.  However, at the rate humans are destroying it.  It will not be around too much longer.  Just another dead planet floating in the Universe...

"The current model is global suicide..."     

~Ban Ki-moon