Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Caballo Sin Nombre

SPIRITs are taking over the livestock...

It happens all the time on the green isle...

Roaming SPIRITS throughout the countryside...

What are they looking for among the populace?

Restless souls are among us...

HELLo from the Gutters

Falling Apart...

I will be everything I'm not...

Today, tomorrow, and the next day are not consecutive...

Tick, Tack...Tick, Tack...

You've gone Digging in my Brain...Hope you like what you see!

It's not for the faint of heart... 

Don't repeat what you have found...

Time is running out...

We are all screaming out...

You will not squeeze the life out of me...

Running out of hospital staff, beds, ventilators, PPE, and Vaccines...

How did it come to this?!?!

Pure Hysteria...

"Giving bad ideas to good people..." 

"No one is Coming to Save Us..."

~COVID-19 pandemic  



Modern Fears


Running away...

Making footprints in the snow...

Where are we running to???...

There's no escape...

I always feel like running...

I don't belong here...

The thing I fear cannot be escaped from...

I just RUN away from LIFE...

"No Matter How Far Wrong You Gone.  You can always turn around..."

~Gil-Scott Heron