Sunday, April 24, 2022

BIRDS falling from the SKY


Something must be in the atmosphere???

This PICIDAE has fallen from the sky.  

Humans are capable of doing horrible things...

Now this VIRUS is attacking the BIRDS...

When will this MESS cease???

Humans are not going to rest until they kill off every living creature on Earth including themselves...

Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter at all if we even survive for another year or century...

It's all the same to these humans...

Death is on the menu and we have become gluttonous...

"This VIRUS lurks in all of us.  Unfortunately it's in our blood since birth and the Ruling Elite figured how to turn it order to turn us off!" 

~it doesn't matter who created this quote...We are all FUCKED!!

PHOTO by "the favorite AUNT" 


Confessions of COVID killers

 Desperate times calls for desperate measures...

We are all mad here…

COVID-19 virus is running rampant through the populace...

Humans are perishing by the thousands in Amerika...

No Way Out of the this man-made nightmare...

Unleash the COVID-19 killers: It's time to take up arms and annihilate anyone that does not follow the COVID guidelines...

Break into their domiciles and drag them into the streets and execute them publicly.  Create some CHAOS as a deterrent...

Fellow country men screaming in pain...

Get some Blood flowing in the streets...

Remember there are no rules in this Plandemic...

"As we WAIT for the World to End...more carnage ensues..."

~Peter Shane 


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Hearing COLORS and Seeing SOUNDS in a post Covid World...

Barely breathing everyone outside the apartments might have COVID-19...

Nowhere to run and hide...

Must wear a mask to survive...

There's no escaping this 'Pandemic'...

Amerikan government is not doing anything to help their people...

Letting them to die off...

It's part of their grand scheme to lower the overall population of the country...

"No more LIES..."
