Sunday, July 24, 2022

BIRDS R. not REAL?!?!

 Amerikan government conducting surveillance during the Plandemic with artificial birds.

These FAKE creatures act, defecate, and eat like normal earth-like birds of yesteryear. 

There is credible leaked information that all birds were replaced by spying drones.

There are not really any flesh & blood birds left...

All bird-napped and stealthly replaced...  

Folks we are being watched...

Give them a show they will not believe!!!

"We must free ordinary people from constant surveillance and manipulation from the totalitarian governments of the world..." 

~Rick Deckard

Heat Wave July 2022: Scorched Earth


Here we are now... July 2022

Either COVID-19 will kill you or the HEAT...

Humans pick your poison...

Whomever has control of the Water controls the populace... 

Humans battling for H2O.

Meanwhile...Droughts and Wildfires rule the landscapes...

Earth animals are dying in droves due to this climate change... Humans are goners too...

Remember it's goin to hit 110 degrees downtown before nightfall.  The good news is there's no good news...

So let's we go into Oblivion...