Saturday, February 25, 2023

Many Bombed Out Sites

Our Shadow government is destroying the evidence...

Covid-19 was formulated in dark-site LABs...

This man-made disease was unleashed to kill off the world population...

Our resolutions to remain...

Cuz bombed out sites await...

"Sometimes the Dark Side triumphs over better angels of our nature..."


Wednesday, February 22, 2023



There’s shadow people running the Amerikan government.  

False and deadly information is being dispersed to the masses: 

Such as this...

COVID-19 pandemic is over…

Unfortunately it’s here to stay for at least a millennium or two…

We are Quietly snuffing ourselves out…

Infecting each other by not using masks and taking government FDA approved vaccines…

Do Not Panic...It seems we all might be Dead before too long…

That’s what they wanted in the first place... 

Depopulation of the Human Race…

Time might not exist…” 
