Monday, March 20, 2023

COVID-19 Raccoon Dogs 2023


Hello I've coming out of hiding to continue to spread the virus 

(SARS-CoV-2) to the populace...

American Government would rather blame my species (Raccoon Dogs: Nyctereutesfor this disease instead of a LAB leak in China...

Now Humans...stay still and submit to your punishment for disturbing wildlife on this planet...

Only about 7 million humans have perished in over 3 years...

More will befallen before it's over...

"Humans are the only species that destroy anything and everything they do not need for or don't understand."

~June Stoyer

Monday, March 13, 2023


 COVID Vultures devouring the carcasses of Humans...

We have entered the Gloaming...

The Point of No Return... 

The Twilight of HUMAN existence...

Humans are declining fast... 

Life being snuffed out by a man-made disease created in a LAB...

 Pick every last piece of meat off the human carcass...

"It is now the be-witching hour..." 
