Saturday, December 18, 2010


Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD), may be asymptomatic for many years before manifesting as a terminal disease.

Instruments that touch bone or penetrate tissue are critical and must be sterilized.
Remarkably, sterilization is not adequate to destroy the prion pathogen of CJD (American Electroencephalographic Society, 1984). After intracranial EEG electrodes had accidentally caused transmission of CJD from a demented patient to two younger epileptic patients, the electrodes were implanted in the brain of a chimpanzee. The animal developed CJD within 18 months...

Mr. Tiddles' next demented patient (i.e.: victim) will not need sterilized instruments.  This victim has no chance of survival.   The patient will be connected to the EEG machine and the power turned dangerously high.  Gloves need to be worn due to the heat that is generated.  It's a wonderful sight to see when the patient's hair is smoking from the burns.  Mr. Tiddles shoves a sweat sock in the patient's mouth.  I don't want the patient to swallow his tongue and choke to death.  I want maximum pain from the electric currents coursing through his brain.  He will become mush....A shell of his former self.  Don't feel sorry for him!!! He didn't treat his rape victims with any dignity.       Mr. Tiddles needed to serve him some retribution for his despicable deeds.  

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