Sunday, March 27, 2011

Foreboding and Ominous Times

A Storm is Coming...
More humans must be sacrificed...
Humans are the Plague of the Universe...
Mr. Tiddles will assist in this eradication...
Humans do not deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of the creatures on this planet!!! 
Someday all humans will be wiped off this planet and it will be just Mr. Tiddles and the creatures. 
This day cannot come soon enough!!! 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Hanging Garden Part Deux

The Victim Speaks once again...
I will never be free again.  I will hang among the purple flowers for eternity in my dirty dress he says...
I was looking for some fun, but I got more than I ever bargained for.  This guy in the gray pointy nose mask seems to be on some type of mission.  He keeps on mumbling his innermost thoughts as he readies me for my execution.    He is treating this as some sort of a Ritual Killing.  I attempt to connect to him by confessing my sins to him.  He just stares at me with his dead flat eyes.  It seems he is looking into my soul.  He probably sees the same darkness that I do when I look into a mirror and see my own reflection.
I have a pocket full of secrets...and he has a mouth full of razors. 
I weep silently that my dreams will never come true...

A psychedelic killing

Groovy colors mixed with the reality that   Mr. Tiddles continues his Reign of Terror
This young wayward lady was attempting to score more Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) { is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family. DMT is found not only in several plants, but also in trace amounts in humans and other mammals}.  Too bad she ran into Mr. Tiddles.  She was forced to ingest about 125 hits of this PURE MADNESS.  The colors she saw must have been majestically grand before her lethal overdose took effect. 
She will be placed in my "Futuristic Casket!!!"

Say No to Drugs...

and YES to Mr. Tiddles!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Tying up a victim in the blue room.  Let her sit on the throne.  This will be the last dump or pee she will ever make.  Will she piss blue colored pee?  I hope so.  A nude gal bleeding from her head wound.  She is bound and gagged.  She and her man would pick up dogs and sell them to laboratories for experiments.  Mr. Tiddles would not allow this practice to go any further.  She will be sliced, diced, and carved like a turkey.  Then on to her man.  Hey she asked to go first.  The look in her eyes told me so!!!  Stop your squealing little piggy.  Your man can't hear you.  He is bleeding in the trunk of his car.  Don't worry I will make sure he eats and swallows your hard cut-off nipples before he croaks...I guess that's true love!!!
These individuals will pay for their EVIL deeds.    ALF and PETA have nothing on Mr. Tiddles.  These organizations are made up of fucking amateurs!!!  

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Last Breath

Imagine the place where you will draw your last breath.  No one consciously thinks about this, but some place on earth there's that very spot. 
My victim had no idea that his last fleeting moments will be spent in this dark place having his life force snuffed out of him.  There is no time for him to repent the despicable acts that he committed during his life. 
Mr. Tiddles loves to hear his victims confess their sins against humanity and other creatures on Earth.  This is their attempt to be absolved.     
They're Singing for Absolution...
For this victim and others like him...There is no LIGHT at the END of this tunnel.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another Use for City Sewer Systems

A sewer is a wonderful place to quickly stash a body.  Mr. Tiddles will come back to claim his victim once there is a more permanent resting place found.  No one will find the body because municipal workers aren't paid enough to search through every inch of a city sewer system.   Let the sewer rats have a feast!!!    

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Mr. Tiddles loves kidnapping gang members and torturing them.  Shoving bloody red rags down a Crip gang member's throat until he asphyxiates is total irony.   

Making a Blood gang member drink and swallow Blue colored Drano is a hilarious quirk of fate.  As he coughs up blue liquid and red blood mixed together just before his ultimate demise.

The Crips and the Bloods are two gangs at WAR!!!

Well Mr. Tiddles is waging a WAR of his own against humanity.  OH Please !!! These gang members are just amateurs compared to me!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Petrol Station Slaying

Mr. Tiddles whispers to his victim...You know there is NO WAY OUT...
He whispers back the question through his gag...No way out?
No way out: Poverty
                      Oil Dependence
                      Destroying the Earth of its Natural Resources
                      Humans hurting and killing each other. 

We are going down a slippery path towards a runaway train...
Mr. Tiddles is in a bathroom at a roadside petrol station bathroom explaining all this to his victim.  The victim keeps nodding believing that agreeing with this monster will spare his life.  This guy is failing to understand why he is in this position.  Choking the air out of his lungs.  Swallowing dirty toilet water as his head is shoved deeper in the toilet.  He chokes his last breath.  His worthless soul dispatched to the great beyond.  This guy wanted to live forever, but he ran into Mr. Tiddles.
Only when the Earth is a barren, dried up, and used planet will humans realize that Mr. Tiddles' warnings were real.   We are all searching for immortality...perhaps there is none...