Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Hanging Garden Part Deux

The Victim Speaks once again...
I will never be free again.  I will hang among the purple flowers for eternity in my dirty dress he says...
I was looking for some fun, but I got more than I ever bargained for.  This guy in the gray pointy nose mask seems to be on some type of mission.  He keeps on mumbling his innermost thoughts as he readies me for my execution.    He is treating this as some sort of a Ritual Killing.  I attempt to connect to him by confessing my sins to him.  He just stares at me with his dead flat eyes.  It seems he is looking into my soul.  He probably sees the same darkness that I do when I look into a mirror and see my own reflection.
I have a pocket full of secrets...and he has a mouth full of razors. 
I weep silently that my dreams will never come true...

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