Monday, September 5, 2011


Bloodletting is one of the oldest medical practices, having been practiced among ancient peoples including the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Mayans, and the Aztecs. 

Mr. Tiddles has his own form of bloodletting: LET THE PERSON BLEED OUT until there is DEATH!!!!

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are in a random fleabag motel, somewhere in the heart of Middle Slime USA.

Our victim was patrolling the area for "customers."  She would seduce them in taking her back to a room at this filthy motel.  She would suggest having a couple of drinks.  She would offer to make her "customer" a drink.  She would slip a few Vicodin pills into the drink and it was "ready to serve." 

Let that be a lesson to you, bloggers...never consume a drink that you did not make yourself!!! 

This lady of night would rob and sometimes even mutilate her "customers" while they were in dreamland.  Carving vulgar names into their flesh, they would have a hard time explaining that to their wives!!!  When they finally wake up...she would be gone like a ghost.  Never reported to the authorities, she would travel town to town working her swindle. 

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy caught her napping in one of the rooms.  We walked in, as if we owned the place.  Goatboy picked up her naked body off the bed.  She was screaming bloody murder.  No one in this part of town would even give her screams a second thought.  Goatboy threw her in the bathtub and smashed her head into the side of the tub.  Semi-conscious floating in used filthy bathwater.   

That is when my leeches have their chance to do their magic.  We dumped about 50-60 leeches all over her naked body.   We even stuffed a few in her mouth and throat for good measure.  They chewed their way into her skin and began sucking her blood.  The bathwater was turning crimson red

Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth. Those leeches had a field day in her mouth.  Blood came pouring out of her mouth.   Slowly, she lost enough blood and her eyes rolled into the back of her head just before she expired.  

Her body fished out of the bathwater and placed in a hole in the motel room mattress.  Some future lucky motel customer will get a surprise in their bed. 

This bitch had so many holes in her body, she resembled human Swiss cheese, and the leeches were still working overtime on her flesh.  She was definitely... 

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