Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year Day: An Extra Day of Killing

The origins of leap year date back to ancient Rome at the time of Julius Caesar. One of the first purposes of the calendar was to coordinate dates with astronomy and the passing of seasons.  In actuality, it takes the Earth almost 365.25 days to revolve around the sun -- meaning if the calendar only recorded 365 days, it would eventually drift off track from the solar events it was meant to record.

In order to offset this, Julius Caesar ordered that an extra day be added to the last month of the calendar, which at the time was February.

Over 1500 years later, most countries switched to the Gregorian calendar, which is the internationally accepted calendar we still use today. The biggest change that this made to the Julian calendar was a correction in the counting of leap years. It was found that the Earth makes its full revolution around the sun in slightly less than 365.25 days, actually taking 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds to orbit.  So a day is added every four years in the month in February. 

Leap Year Day for Mr. Tiddles is an extra day to go about his business of killing.  Killing for him is an addiction.  So in effect, society has handed him another day to kill, every four years, which feeds his addiction of killing humans.

So, blame Society for the deaths that occur on this Leap Year Day (February 29).

"Whether you sniff it, smoke it, eat it, or shove it up your ass, the result is the same: Addiction."  --William S. Burroughs

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Escape from Plum Island

The National Guard has reached the island.  Sent to destroy every living being before the media finds out there were biochemical warfare experiments occurring on animals in a government facility. 

The substance RAGE is the "newest weapon" for the 21st Century. 

This secret government project was going to be tested on humans in the near future.  Small amounts were to be injected in a human and in turn, he or she would become an ultimate fighter.  However, the project was not working out as planned and test animals were attacking each other or themselves until they expired.   

The whole island is on "lock down" one gets on or off the island, but the Natural Guard.  No civilian is to leave alive.  The government is sacrificing their own workers for SILENCE.    

Mr. Tiddles has a plan to escape with Goatboy...stay tuned...

Information leaked from WETNANNA's hard drive

"Human beings are the only creatures on Earth that claim a god and the only living thing that behaves like it hasn't got one."  --Hunter S. Thompson

Sunday, February 19, 2012

RED DEATH on Plum Island

Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) is a U.S. federal research facility dedicated to the study of animal diseases.  During the Cold War a secret biological weapons program targeting livestock was conducted at the site.  This site seems to be up, running, and conducting highly classified biological experiments once again. 

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy break into a secret classified government laboratory on           Plum Island that is experimenting on helpless animals. 

The humans who comprise the members of ALF (Animal Liberation Front) and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) are fucking amateurs compared to the killing duo of      Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy.  When these organizations conduct a raid on a government or corporate facility, they do not eliminate the humans, but this killing duo will...

This particular government lab is testing a new substance called RAGE.  This substance will be used in future military wars, but for now, helpless animals are being injected with this red liquid substance. 

Following first initial injection, a test subject's blood pressure begins to elevate.  Body temperature increases rapidly.  There is an increase in adrenal output of "infected" animals, which raises the physical strength and endurance levels of these animals.

Infrared lights illuminate the hallways, giving off a RED glow.  These lights cause disorientation in the animals and even sometimes, confusion occurs among the government scientists themselves.   

The animals are housed in clear ventilated cases.  One large room houses over 150 test animals at 20-30 scientists on the floor conducting tests at any given moment of the day or night.   

These wretched scientists will suffer the same fate as the infected animals. Once bitten, a person will develop a state of RAGE, he or she will lose much of their capacity for rational thought and reasoning, and may act, usually violently, on his or her impulses to the point that they may attack until they themselves have been incapacitated or the source of their rage has been destroyed.

A person infected with RAGE may also experience tunnel vision, muffled hearing, increased heart rate, and hyperventilation.  They often focus only on the source of their anger.  The large amounts of adrenaline and oxygen in the bloodstream may cause a person's extremities to shake.

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy enter the back of the testing area by breaking down a door.  Warning Alarms are sounding...the animals are becoming heavily agitated...they are banging on their cases.  Goatboy begins smashing the cases allowing the infected animals to break free.  The animals are infected with RAGE and begin attacking and biting the scientists.   Within seconds, the humans become infected.  In turn, they attack the uninfected humans. 

It is a BLOODBATH...   

The National Guard has been called in to quell the uprising...

NOTE: This information was discovered and leaked from WETNANNA's Hard Drive. 

"If I were to describe the color red to a blind man, I would explain the symbolism behind the color, seeing that the color itself is indescribable.  I would start of by telling him that red can represent love or anger and that it is the color of his blood.  I would continue to say that the color red is a color with much passion and that it is a popular color.  Red can represent the evil forces that surround us and red is the color of the flames from hell."                                          - William S. Burroughs