Saturday, February 25, 2012

Escape from Plum Island

The National Guard has reached the island.  Sent to destroy every living being before the media finds out there were biochemical warfare experiments occurring on animals in a government facility. 

The substance RAGE is the "newest weapon" for the 21st Century. 

This secret government project was going to be tested on humans in the near future.  Small amounts were to be injected in a human and in turn, he or she would become an ultimate fighter.  However, the project was not working out as planned and test animals were attacking each other or themselves until they expired.   

The whole island is on "lock down" one gets on or off the island, but the Natural Guard.  No civilian is to leave alive.  The government is sacrificing their own workers for SILENCE.    

Mr. Tiddles has a plan to escape with Goatboy...stay tuned...

Information leaked from WETNANNA's hard drive

"Human beings are the only creatures on Earth that claim a god and the only living thing that behaves like it hasn't got one."  --Hunter S. Thompson

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