Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dump Site #1

All you budding serial killers across is some advice for dumping bodies. 

Abandoned and dilapidated buildings are excellent places to dump or dispose of your victims.  The lifespan is usually 5 -10 years before there is a chance a body would make an unwelcome appearance and some building developer discovers your handy work.  Hopefully, by that time the body is partly to fully decomposed.  

Wrap the body in an old carpet or heavy blanket.  Sprinkle some lime on the body.  That should help with any smell.  If you are in a hurry, which most of you killers are, dump the fucking thing in a huge hole in the rotting floor of the building and hope the rats have a hearty meal.

Stay Tuned...Mr. Tiddles shall reveal other excellent               Dump Sites in the future.  

 “It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.”
The Trial (Franz Kafka)

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