Thursday, May 10, 2012

Drinking the Kool-Aid: Poisoning the Populace

Leaked from WETNANNA's hard drive:

The Office of CIVIL DEFENSE has collected and stored copious quantities of drinking water and in turn added a poisonous concoction of deadly chemicals (Valium, Chloral Hydrate, Cyanide, and Phenergan). 

This new liquid substance will be dispensed to the members of their populace.  This is the Part II of the SB 0666 Emergency Population Bill

The members of the population are being thinned in order to sustain the government's overall prowess in the NEW WORLD ORDER

The populace is being ushered to "DRINK THE KOOL-AID" and follow their ELECTED officials like SHEEP.   

"Thinning the herd" in order to be more profitable and sustainable in this Global Economy.

The policy makers at the Office of CIVIL DEFENSE are turning up dead in their homes.

Mercenaries who are against this Emergency Population Bill are waging a WAR against their oppressors.

Meanwhile, Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are going town to town in the Heartland of Amerika killing everyone in their path...

More information will be leaked in the future...

 "Free at Last...Let's Die in Peace...Take the Potion..."
-Rev. Jim Jones (11-18-1978)

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