Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dying Anonymously

Growing up...most kids want to be famous when they get older.  Some would stay in school and achieve degrees.  Others would pursue acting and the arts.  However, some would try so hard to become famous; they travel down a very dark road.

This one particular individual named Seth always knew he wanted to become famous at any cost.  He had no idea that sometimes your dreams can become fatal.

Seth believed that he would become famous some day by creating and staring in SNUFF films.  He would pick up unsuspecting young starry-eyed females from a bus station.  They were also looking for stardom.  He promised them a juicy part in his new film.  He caution there was some nudity and blood involved but in the end, it was a small price to pay for a chance at the big time.  Most young girls were desperate enough to believe his lies. 

His films would begin with a gratuitous lesbian scene.  The girls usually did not mind to kiss and touch each other on camera.  Some females rationalize; at least they were not doing full blown anal in front the camera.  Slowly, the film would turn more and more violent.  Seth would tell his actors that realism is the way to go in film and some blood needed to be spilled.  The girls would cut each other with razorblades in some scenes.  Blood would leak from their fresh wounds and it would be caught on film.  However, the last couple of scenes would have two girls bound, gagged, and blindfolded.   

The villain in the film would be wielding an axe or a sword.  The villain would ritualistically kill these hapless girls looking for fame.  Some females stabbed repeatedly with a sword or chopped with an axe.  Blood would be spraying out of every hole.  Then each body doused with gasoline and burned to a lovely crisp.  All caught on film.

One night, Seth thought he was meeting two porno chicks at a fleabag motel.  He set up this meeting with one of his stripper friends who he paid to convince two gorgeous chicks to meet him for a "screen test." 

Unbeknownst to him...               Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy got to the meeting place first and scared the porno girls off.  Goatboy wanted to devour them, but there was no time to do so.  Their prize was the SNUFF film director Seth.

As Seth walked into the unlocked motel room...he felt a cold chill go through his body.  Immediately, he laid eyes on Goatboy standing in the corner snorting and drooling like a wild beast.  Mr. Tiddles came out of the shadows and locked the motel door behind Seth. 

Seth demanded to be allowed to leave.  Mr. Tiddles shook his head and told him to lie down on the bed.  When Seth refused to do so, Goatboy picked him up by his neck, lifted him off the ground, and threw him into a closet.  Seth banged his head so hard against the wall, he blacked out. 

Now Seth was going to be the one who would suffer unimaginable pain as her caused others...and it would be all caught on film.

His final SNUFF film would be a masterpiece...his DEATH on celluloid.

A maid would later find his body, lying in a closet with a sheet covering his mangled body. 

As you, bloggers can see...Seth did indeed become famous.  His SNUFF film released to the underground independent film market.  It's now a cult classic.

However, his body was not identified and therefore he never received a credit in his last film.  He died anonymously. Just like the others in all his films.  

Some can gaze and not be sick,
But I could never learn the trick.
There's this to say for blood and breath,
They give a man a taste for death.
--A.E. Housman

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