Saturday, December 16, 2017

Hearing Voices: Oceanside Experimental Factory

These voices follow me everywhere.

Haunting my every waking minute and sometimes during sleep.

Somehow someone someway kidnapped me and placed me here in this pseudo-hospital.

Electricity pulsating through my body on a daily basis. 

Electroshock therapy was outlawed decades ago.

But not in this place

“When I was a child I heard voices…some would sing…and some would scream…”


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Leave Me for the CROWS

The Crows will feast on this Human carcass. 

Peck and Devour the Rotting flesh.

Humans are sick when they are born.

If men had wings and bore black feathers, few of them would be clever enough to be crows.” 

~ Rev. Henry Ward Beecher

Monday, November 13, 2017

Biscuit Town

In this town…

Life is Trash

My brain is leaking

I think I might be bipolar

She thinks I’m bipolar

This girl is not screaming

We are about to crash

Dreams of being good 

It’s all over now…

In Biscuit Town

“I still try to wake up…I still try to wake up…but I just can’t…”

Sunday, November 12, 2017

OCEANSIDE Experimental Factory

This is the place where Evil is personified…

Room after room is filled with lost souls

So much pain and suffering are being produced for the Comrades of the New World Order.

Biological and Chemical weapons being tested on kidnapped members of the Populace.

Animals and Humans are being tested on and transformed into killing beasts for their greater good.

“The World is a Stage, but the play is Badly Cast.”
~Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Dream Therapy Musings Part II

This is a recount of a recorded therapy session of Male Patient XY:

After approximately 600 hours of intensive individual therapy…

The patient still believes it’s some sort of Serial Killer that travels the Earth dispatching tortured souls into oblivion…

Here is an excerpt of its recent musings during a session:

“Walking along this corridor with my companion (Goatboy) in this experimental facility.  I want to be a heretic searching for my prey.             If we are just dust then it doesn’t matter who we KILL.  Looking for the Weak and Wicked.  Sent here to dispatch these worthless creatures to the Great Beyond.  Trust me…there is no way to help us. If I were to sleep, I could dream.  If I were afraid, I could hide.  If I am insane, don't put your wires in my brain…”

The tape ends abruptly…

“We were born sick and becoming sicker each day.”

~ Anonymous 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Dream Therapy Musings

This is a recount of a recorded therapy session of Female Patient XX:

After approximately 400 hours of intensive individual therapy…

The patient still believes she is some sort of Rabbit that sees visions of the future…

Here is an excerpt of her recent musings during a session:

“I had this dream where things seemed to be falling apart.  There is too much going on.  I’m in this huge factory type building and witnessing all these experimental therapies occurring to both humans and animals.  It’s just a mess what’s happening.  Maybe… It wasn’t a dream or am I hallucinating this whole thing.  Whereas, I don’t mind all this going on inside me.  I think I will be relieved when it’s over and I can settle back down.  I fear these visions are Nothing but Chaos…”

The tape abruptly ends …

“The madman is a dreamer awake.”

~ Sigmund Freud

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Goat Girl...Emerges

This newly genetically engineered creature is UNLEASED

Likely a result of some evil experiment…Goat genes spliced with Human genes…

This creature emerges to wreak havoc on the populace

Stay tuned for further developments

“Genetic Engineering has never been about saving the world, it’s about controlling the world.”   

~Vandana Shiva

Monday, September 4, 2017

Russian Interrogations

Amerika’s Canines are being kidnapped and interrogated for information.

This specific Canine has superior knowledge of strange and diabolical activities perpetrated by the   
  Republic of Amerika against their populace

Evil and Deadly experiments gone wrong in the name Global Warfare.

This Canine will not reveal any secrets.  She is too powerful and cunning to allow a Russian agent to extract any valuable information.  

Felines could be next…

“I’m in favor of Animal Liberation.  Why? Because I am an Animal.”

~Edward Abbey 

Monday, August 21, 2017


The Solar Eclipse 2017:

marks the beginning of THE END OF DAYS...

Animals on Earth will rise and take over this planet from the Dreaded Humans...

Suffer...Humans as you will be soon EXTINCT...

As this planet hurls through the universe...The Human Race is just a speck of DUST in time...


". . . and the Sun has perished
out of heaven,
and an evil mist hovers over all."

~Homer - the odyssey 

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Communism 2017

The World thought Communism was Dead...

Take a Closer look... 

"You show me a capitalist, and I'll show you a bloodsucker"

~Malcom X

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Coxcomb Red

SlashSplatterRed…all over the porcelain…

My head slumped against the cold surface…

The Smell of Urine and Feces permeate the air…

She just walked in and started slashing until her arms tired…

The male victim collapsed and his head smashed against the toilet bowl…

and then she turned the blade on herself…

Was this Revenge or just plain Madness of these Sick Times???


“I watched you hold the sun in your arms while we bled to death.”


Saturday, February 18, 2017

The World Won’t Listen

Panic in the Streets…

Blood in the Water…

Humans were Warned…

PIGMEN roaming the Earth…

Sightings and Killings have increased exponentially…

There is no stopping this Apocalypse

“Panic on the streets of London
Panic on the streets of Birmingham
I wonder to myself
Could life ever be sane again?”

~The Smiths

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Strange Happenings at the Hotel Dieu

Evenements estranges a l’Hotel-Dieu

The French Populace are unaware their government is secretly conducting biological warfare experiments similar to the ones being held in Amerika.

These experiments are being conducted at this abandoned hotel.

The lights are on and something Evil is being done.

This is all part of the New World Order

“It’s not the past that should scare you. It’s the future.”


Sunday, January 22, 2017

War Doggie 2017


She DEFENDED her home and fought with her Feline and Reptile COMRADES

We must go on and fight the current INJUSTICE that has befallen AMERIKA

ENDLESS PROTESTS must occur throughout this FALLEN Republic

DAISY our beloved COMRADE has passed

REST IN PEACE until we meet again on the OTHER SIDE

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Surveillance of the Populace

Warrant-less searches and House arrests

State of Emergency

Civil Liberties trampled

The Police Nationale and The Gendarmerie Nationale reign Supreme

Perte des Droits Fondamentaux

“The Price of Freedom is Death.”

~Malcolm X

Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017: The New World Order

Amerika elected a Fascist Tyrant

Misogyny will rule

Surveillance of the Populace

Self-made Prisons

Personal Freedoms curtailed

Pure Madness Reigns

All Dissenters will be LOCKED UP

“It’s not the Past that should scare you. It’s the Future.”