Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Dream Therapy Musings

This is a recount of a recorded therapy session of Female Patient XX:

After approximately 400 hours of intensive individual therapy…

The patient still believes she is some sort of Rabbit that sees visions of the future…

Here is an excerpt of her recent musings during a session:

“I had this dream where things seemed to be falling apart.  There is too much going on.  I’m in this huge factory type building and witnessing all these experimental therapies occurring to both humans and animals.  It’s just a mess what’s happening.  Maybe… It wasn’t a dream or am I hallucinating this whole thing.  Whereas, I don’t mind all this going on inside me.  I think I will be relieved when it’s over and I can settle back down.  I fear these visions are Nothing but Chaos…”

The tape abruptly ends …

“The madman is a dreamer awake.”

~ Sigmund Freud

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