Sunday, November 28, 2010

Delicious Liquids

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): clear, watery liquid that surrounds the brain, also known as: Muffin Milk.

Draining the brain of all its Muffin Milk is difficult. Many syringes break while piercing the victim's skull. Usually it takes skill to make one hard plunge into the soft area of a victim's head. Catch him or her in a choke hold from behind and plunge the long needle, deep inside. Feel the rush as the syringe's barrel fills with salty-sweet Muffin Milk. Don't worry about injecting air into a blood vessel causing an air embolism. This would be most preferable. Pull-out the syringe and empty its contents into the victim's mouth while the body is convulsing. What a sight to behold!!!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Skinned Genitalia

It's like peeling fruit, but more satisfying.  I tied the victim down to a bed and gagged him.  Pulled off his undies and went to work.  A paring knife and slicing in sections works best.  The sound of peeling skin freaks out the victim.  Mr. Tiddles tells him to hold still and stop squirming.  It will be over soon.  Then the real pain will begin. Craving a hole in his groin..blood splurging everywhere.  Scream all you want! No one, not even me can hear you.  We are quite isolated.  Do you recognize this place?  You took your dates here and defiled them.  Now it's payback!!!  I am removing the source of your rage.  Don't worry I will bury it with you....stuffed in your mouth!!!    

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hidden Morgue

Morgue: the holding area before burial. 

I found a place for my next four lucky victims to be stored while I search for their final resting place.  You must choose carefully.  It's a headache when an unwanted body is discovered.  The media loves to get involved and stir up unneeded trouble.  Why won't they just let us professionals do our job? I need to keep on doing what I do best without any interruptions!!! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Electrical Currents Flowing at Full Capacity

The first symptom of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)  is rapidly progressive dementia, leading to memory loss, personality changes and hallucinations.   This is the human form of mad cow disease.  This bitch had it!!!
The whore bled all over the machine.  This disease had her snarling and biting like a wild animal.  My blood and her blood flowing during the procedure.  It had to be done...No question about that!

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Mad Cow Disease...

Mr. Tiddles will free this individual of this affliction.  Smearing jelly all over her body and hooking her up to an Electroencephalograph.  However this time, the currents will be increased to dangerous levels in order to shock her into the Void.  See, I am actually helping her relieve her pain and suffering of this world.  She contracted this disease when she laid down with an unclean beast.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Hanging Garden

A little bit of Adrenochrome works wonders.  He became docile as a Hindu cow.  Now I will strip him naked for the world to see.  Then prepare him for the hanging.  He will be tripping into the afterlife on some far out shit.  Adrenochrome is a serious hallucinogenic substance taken from the adrenal gland of another one of my victims when she was living.  Removing the gland kills the "donor."  It cannot be taken from a corpse.  She was "so happy to make this sacrifice."   Sometimes sacrifice is the name of the game.   

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rhapsody in Blue

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Contemplating...There are so many worthy victims.  I hope to relieve them of their mortal coil.  Who's next? Anyone want to give immortality a try????

Searching for Sanctuary

Searching for the best place to dismember my latest conquest.  It's like searching for a good restaurant.  Quiet abandoned areas are the perfect sites for me to take my time and thoroughly tease and torture my next causality.  Their screams and begging cannot be heard.  Mr. Tiddles cannot hear their screams anymore.  Scream louder because I cannot hear you!!!